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"Sirius Black was, and remains to this day.. The Potter Twin's godfather."

At last, the weekend presented itself. I really needed a day at Hogsmeade after all those lessons and studying I'd been doing.
"Y/n, don't make us late again." I heard Pansy call out. She was dressed in a sweatshirt paired with a skirt and knitted stocking to prevent her from the cold. Her short black hair were tucked behind her ear as she wore a small star-hair pin to push her hair back.
I had a white cardigan on, under which I wore a black cotton top and my favourite flared jeans.
"Nope, let's go." I huffed, fixing my hair quickly.

This time it was just me, Pansy, Draco and Theo. Apparently, the rest had forgotten to study for next week's exams. "Where to now?" Theo asked, his hands in his pockets. "Is that the minister of magic?" Draco furrowed his brows, looking straight at the adult pub ahead us. It was. I walked a little closer as the rest followed. "What would bring Sirius Black here!?" I stopped in my tracks at the mention of his name. So did the rest. I had told them about Sirius the night we were in the Great Hall. "The Potter twins." The Minister whispered into her ear, "The Potter Twins!?" The lady shrieked before being hushed and pushed inside.
"Good thing I always bring the cloak with me." I muttered, catching Pansy's attention as I pulled the cloak out of my bag. "Y/n, no. You are not spying on our Professors." She warned, "not without me you aren't." She continued as I let out a fake smile. I am not joking around. Sirius Black is getting closer by the day. What's next? Him in my room? "Fine, we'll come too." Theo sighed. "No one's asking you to come, Nott." I said, causing him to glare at me. "It's okay, Potter. I know you want me to." He said, winking at me playfully before both him and Draco got closer to get into the cloak. Thank Merlin it could fit an unlimited amount of people.

The cloak was filled with the breathing and soft, excited giggles of Theo and Draco as they were about to spy on Professors. The door swung open before I could open it myself. Harry was here, wasn't he?
I ignored my thoughts, slowly tiptoeing towards a table as the four was us sat under it. A clear view of the Professors. "Now, what is this all about?" The lady asked. "Well, years ago, when the Potter Twin's parents were.. murdered," McGonagall said as I gulped hard. It never gets old, talking about your parents death. Pansy put her hand on my shoulder as I smiled. "Before that, they'd told Sirius Black where they'd been hiding.. who told You-Know-Who!" My mouth gaped open slightly. Freaking traitor. I stopped listening for a moment, my thoughts wandering all over the place. The only keyword I caught was Peter Pettigrew. Whatever, he was a victim of Black anyway. Not important.
Draco hit my arm rapidly as I turned to look in front. The minister was looking in our direction suspiciously. Shit. "Peter pettigrew wasn't killed by Black." I could hear Theo let out a soft sigh as the Minister diverted his attention. "Black destroyed him!" He raised his voice. "Black didn't kill the Potter's, but now he wants to finish what he started." I sucked a sharp breath. He wanted to end my bloodline. "That's not the worst of it." I raised my eyebrows, leaning in closer as so did the others. What did he mean?
"Sirius Black was, and remains to this day.. The Potter Twin's godfather." My mouth gaped open completely. I gasped, but no noise came out. I could feel Theo, Pansy and Draco's eyes on me. He.. he was my godfather? He IS my godfather?
My only living family after Harry. And he wants to kill me.

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