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"I love you too, Harry."

"Y/n, Y/n! Wake up, you sleepyhead!" I jumped awake to Pansy's screams. "What!? What is it?" I rubbed my eyes. "Merry Christmas!" I smiled softly at her enthusiasm, "Merry Christmas to you too, Pans." I yawned before a piece of clothing it my face. I grabbed it, looking at Dafny who threw it. "Weaslebee No. 3 sent it for you. Said his mum knitted it." She rolled her eyes. I ignored her, looking at the sweater. It had my initial on it.
I smiled widely, folding the sweater properly to wear it later before I quickly hopped out of bed, combed my hair and walked out of the girls dormitories.
"Where are you headed at?" I heard Draco's voice. "I'm gonna go meet Harry, Hermione and Ron." His face turned into more of a look of disgust by each name. "Saint Potter, Mudblood, and the blood traitor. How much more Slytherin could you get?" I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic remark. "Merry Christmas, Malfoy." I smiled, before walking towards the dorm.
I heard a murmured 'Merry Christmas, Potter.' before I closed the dorm doors.

I made my way through the dozens of students, rushing to the train before I spotted Hermione entering the Great Hall.
"Hey, Mione." I waved at her, "Y/n!" She greeted back.
We walked towards the two boys who seemed to be playing chess.
"Knight to E5." I heard Harry's voice. Oh, Jesus, how lazy can wizards be?
"That's totally barbaric." Hermione rolled her eyes. I suppose she thought the same thing as me. "That's Wizard chess." Ron boasted proudly before taking a quick glance at her. "I see you've packed." He said. "I see you haven't." Hermione responded back. "Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania- to visit my brother Charlie."
"How many brothers have you got, Weasley?" I squeezed my brows together. "Well there's.. and.. then.. five! Five brothers and a sister." He counted on his fingers.
"Anyway, good. You can help Harry and Y/n then, they're going to the library to get some Information on Nicolas Flamel." She smiled as Ron groaned. "We've looked a hundred times." He whined, "Not in the restricted section, you haven't." She continues after a short pause, "Merry Christmas." She said before walking away.
"You've had some bad influence on Hermione." I crossed my arms as the two boys nodded in agreement.
"There she is!" I turn my head, recognising Dafny's voice as I spotted Draco and Pansy with her before they stormed up to me. "Great job, Y/n. Now you're a snake caller." Ron rolled his eyes.
"Why're you hanging out with these.. Gryffindors?" Draco said, almost looking as if saying it pained him.
"She's my sister, Malfoy." Harry frowned up at him.
Draco simply rolled his eyes, "Professor Snape's calling you. Better not to make him wait." He eyed me.
"I'm coming." I sighed, "I'll see you in the library?" I turned to the boys.
"First thing tomorrow morning, don't be late, Y/n." Ron crossed his arms as he continued staring at Draco.
I rolled my eyes, "I won't. Merry Christmas." I said, before walking up to Draco."

"I don't understand how you're in Slytherin." Dafny's comment finally took over the silence. "Leave her alone, Greengrass." Thank god for Pansy. After a few more moments of silence, we finally reached Professor Snape's office. I was just about to knock before I saw the three walking away.
"Aren't you coming?" I asked. "Oh, Merlin, no. We don't want to be involved in whatever you've gotten yourself into." She rolled her eyes, "I'll come. I mean, if you're being punished, Professor Snape might let you go. He likes me." Draco boasted. "I wish I could, but I've got transfiguration, tell me about it later, bye Y/n!" Pansy gave me a quick wave before jogging to her class. "Thanks, Draco." He just nodded in response before I walked into the office.
"Ah, Ms. Potter, took you long enough." Professor Snape's dull voice soon filled the room. "My apologies, Professor." I muttered. He eyed me for a moment before pulling out a box.
"What's this?" I asked, examining the box he handed over to me. "That Gryffindor father of yours left this in Siri- my possession before he 'tragically' died. It is time it was returned to you." I ignored the exaggeration on 'tragically', I mean, after eleven years I finally had something which belonged to my Father. "Thank you, Professor." I smiled widely.
"Merry Christmas!" I said enthusiastically, not getting a response back. "You two are dismissed."

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