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"You like him, don't you?"

I had my hair down, curled softly at the ends and a necklace I'd been given as a gift by Petunia in secret.

The ball had officially commenced.
Girls were strutting down the stairs in their fabulous gowns whilst the boys waited in suits. It was all so.. magical. And I loved it.

I waited near the group.
Theo had his arm on Pansy's waist, Blaise and Enzo didn't really get a date so they ended up going as.. 'bros'. Whatever.
Daphne was super close to Draco, practically kissing him at this point.

"Y/n!" I heard, turning around.
Cedric. Did he look goooood.

"Hi, Cedric." I greeted, walking over to him. He paused, looking up and down at me.
He huffed out, "Merlin, you look absolutely.. stunning." I chuckled, bowing sarcastically.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Diggory." He raised a brow, hitting his hand to his chest playfully. "Last name basis, are we?" I shrugged innocently.

"There you are, Mr. Diggory." Mcgonagall said, walking over to us. "Are you and Ms. Potter ready?" Cedric nodded in answer to her question as the hall emptied out.
"Ready for what?" I asked.
She turned her head to me, "To dance. It's tradition the champions do it first, and since you are the champion's date, you will have to do so." I huffed. Did not know that.
Mcgonagall walked off.

"You're okay with that, right?" Cedric asked.
I nodded my head, "Of course. Let's go." I answered.

"She looks beautiful." A student said.
Cedric looked at me, "Yes, you do." I roll my eyes playfully, smiling.
"Hermione Granger, Cedric." He looked up at the girl.

She really did look lovely, her hair was curled, her dress flowing pink. She glanced at me with a smile which I returned.

"You look prettier, in my opinion." Cedric shrugged.
I chuckled, "Shut up." I said playfully.
He intertwined his arm in mine as we walked to the Great Hall slowly.

The gates opened as the Champions along with their partners walked in.
I had a smile on my face, next to Cedric as the crowd cheered and clapped.

My eyes soon landed on Draco who was staring right back at me.
Daphne, next to him, was blabbering about something he paid no attention to.
And may I say he looked very, very, handsome.

"May I have this dance, Ms. Potter?" Cedric said, bowing in front of me.
I giggled, lending him my hand, "why, of course, Mr. Diggory." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder as he did his on my waist. We danced for a moment, enjoying the sweet, slow music playing around us.

My eyes wandered around, landing on Harry who was barely able to keep up with Patil's movements.
Then, Draco— whose eyes were already on mine. He seemed to be paying no attention to Daphne's sweet, almost-fake gaze.
At some level, I felt bad for the girl.
"You like him, don't you?" I snapped out of my trance, spinning my head back in Cedric's direction.

"What? No. Why would you assume I like Malfoy?" I rolled my eyes followed by a laugh.
He shook his head with a smile on his face, "I never mentioned who, Y/n." He said.
I pursed my lips, looking at my feet. "I'm sorry, Cedric." I huffed.
"Sorry? Please, do you have any idea the amount of ladies who would die to be with me?" He said playfully.
I laughed, hitting his shoulder.
My gaze turned back to Draco who had left Daphne, grabbing a drink at the bar.

"You should go." He said, the music soon turning into Rock & Roll.
"God, no, I'd feel bad enough." He rolled his eyes playfully, spinning me once more as the music came to an end. "Really, Y/n. Go." I smiled softly, nodding my head as I left his grip.
"Thank you, Cedric." I said. He nodded in acknowledgment as I walked over to Draco.

He spun his head in my direction, noticing me.
"Ditched Diggory, did you?" He asked, his eyes back on pouring some drink.
I rolled my eyes. "No."
He hummed in response.
"Where's Daphne?" I asked.

He turned his body to look at me, "I told you, Y/n. I don't like her." I sighed at his reply.
"So.. what? You're not gonna dance?" I asked.
He didn't answer, his eyes lingered on me for a moment before he grabbed my wrist gently, dragging me out.

"Where are we going?" I asked, furrowing my brows as we left the Great Hall.
The music had faded almost completely by the time we were out.
"Will you do me the favour of dancing with me, Potter?" I raised a brow at his request.
I laughed, "You'd rather dance with me than with Daphne?" I asked.
He shrugged, "Anyone's better than her." I scoffed at his reply, earning a chuckle.

He placed his hand on my waist, just as he did yesterday. He spun me around while humming a song.
I laughed, "god, you are so corny." I said, earning a glare.
"Shove off, Potter." He said making me laugh again.
I looked into his eyes as he leaned in. Just slightly.
I smiled softly, leaning in.
Just slightly.

His lips slowly met mine. I smiled into the kiss as his arms wrapped around my waist.
I wrapped mine around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"What the actual fuc—"

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