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"Great arm, Potter!"

"Y/n, wake up! You're going to be late for class!" I heard Pansys voice as she shoved me awake. "I'm up, I'm up." I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I saw Daphne fixing her blonde curls as she got ready to leave the dorm, and Pansy beside me, wearing her robes and combing her short black hair. "Go, get ready. I'm going to class, don't be late." She huffed, leaving the dorm as I walked over to the washroom, brushing my teeth and quickly combing my brunette locks as I wore my Slytherin robes.
I sighed, walking out of the dorm as I spotted Draco beside Lorenzo. "Why're you two still here?" I asked them as they turned their heads to look at me. Lorenzo let out a snicker before answering, "Pansy told us you're still getting ready, so Draco insisted we wait for you." I raised my eyebrows, turning my head to look over at Draco who was scrunching his nose up and glaring at Lorenzo. "No, I didn't. Enzo simply got me late." He sneered. "Right, whatever." Lorenzo chuckled beside him.

We finally reached Transfiguration class after what felt like hours of roaming around the school campus. "Ms. Potter, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Berkshire." Was the first thing the three of us heard when entering the class as we looked up at Professor Mcgonagall. "You're all 15 minutes late." She sighed. After a long moment of silence, she pointed to empty seats in the back behind Hermione, Harry and Weasley. The three of us quickly took a seat before Professor McGonagall began teaching again. Just a moment after, Weasley turned to face me. "I told you, Harry. No witch or wizard which is placed in Slytherin turns out to be a good student." He said loud enough for the three of- mainly me, im sure, to hear. I look back at Harry who simply sighed, turning back to face McGonagall. "Ah, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall called, making Weasley snap his head to look at her. "One, two, three, Veraverto. Go ahead." She said boldly while Weasley looked up at her with a worried expression as he performed the charm on his rat. "Veraverto." He pointed his wand as the rat turned into a cup with a tail. Draco scoffed loudly beside me as Lorenzo suppressed a laugh. "That wand needs fixing, Mr. Weasley. And I recommend paying more attention in class." She sighed loudly before turning away. "Apparently, not many Gryffindors turn out to be the greatest students either." I muttered loud enough for him to hear as Draco smirked. Ron let out a grunt before turning back to his seat. Moments later, Hermione raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Granger?" The Professor asked. "I was wondering if you could tell us something about.. the Chamber of Secrets?" She asked as a shift in Professor McGonagalls face became clear. I fixed my position, sitting better as I leaned in, intrigued to hear about it too. Professor McGonagall gave a quick glance at the class- who did the same as me. "Very well, then." She sighed, walking up to the front. "Now you all know that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by 4 great witches and wizards. Godrick Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff,  Rowena Ravenclaw.. and Salazar Slytherin." She paused for a moment, before continuing, "Now three of the founders, coexisted quite peacefully. One did not." Draco rolled his eyes as Lorenzo muttered, "Not hard to guess who." Professor McGonagall continued, "Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students who were let into Hogwarts. He believed magic should only be kept in between magical families. In other words, Purebloods." Draco leaned back, crossing his arms as he listened carefully. "Unable to sway the others, he left the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a chamber in this school; The chamber of secrets. And shortly before departing, he sealed it until the time his own true heir returned to the school. The Heir alone could open the chamber and unleash the horror that laid inside, allowing to slay the students who were unworthy of magic." She ended finally with a quick fix of her glasses. "Muggle Borns." Hermione said as McGonagall nodded her head. "Well, the school has been searched many times and no such chamber has been found." She said, walking up to her desk. "Professor? What does lie beneath the Chamber?" I spoke, as I felt Dracos eyes on me. "The chamber is said to be the home of a creature that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a.. monster." Silence followed the room before Weasley turned his head to Draco. Good god, he doesn't think Draco is the Heir of Slytherin, does he?

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