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"Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!"

"He moaned your name."
"What do you want me to say? That I love you? Because that is a lie."
"I curse you, Y/n. To eternity of misery."
"Harry thinks that Draco is now a death eater."
"Stay away from me, yeah?"
"Feeling's mutual, Potter."

I gasped, sitting up as I was drenched in sweat. Merlin, these dreams are getting worse day by day.

Today was Slughorn's Christmas Party, which I was invited to once again. We were allowed to bring a plus one and since bringing Draco was out of the question, I asked Pansy to come with me. Which was good for her since Zabini was inviting Theo.

I wore a dark blue dress which reached right before my knees, thin, black gloves until my elbows, fishnets and a pair of heels. "You look amazing!" Pansy yelped, looking at me. I laughed lightly, looking at her red full length dress which had sparkles all over it. "So do you, Pans." I said as she smiled. "Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded. "Ready to go." I said with a sigh.


We walked into his party where I spotted Harry busy talking to Slughorn and Theo who was waving at us.

"Mind if I steal your best friend, Y/n?" He asked, a smirk on his lips as he looked at Pansy. "Not at all, have fun, lovebirds." I smiled as they laughed lightly, walking away from me and leaving me alone.

I sighed, looking around. "Hey." I heard a hoarse voice which startled me. Oh, sweet Merlin.
"Uhm.. hi." I muttered. "Do you fancy a drink?" Cormac asked. I was about to say no before pausing to think. "Uh, yeah. Sure. Longbottom's over there, could you get me one?" I asked with my eyebrows raised as he nodded eagerly, rushing to get them.

I rolled my eyes, running to a little curtain to hide behind it. What have I gotten myself into?

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Harry asked, getting into the curtains beside me. "Escaping from a very ugly Mclaggen." I huffed, fixing my dress. "Dragon tarts?" One of the waiters asked. "No thank you." Harry answered. "Good choice, they give one horribly nasty breath." He laughed lightly as I snatched the tray from his hands.

"Might keep Mclaggen away." I muttered, stuffing my mouth with one. "God, here he comes." I say, shoving the tray in Harry's hands before making my way out. "Y/n-" he groaned lightly.

I walked out quickly, leaving the two in there before Snape walked. I'll have to apologise to Harry for that one.

I quickly fixed my dress by rubbing my hand down it. I was about to turn around to leave before I heard the door slam open. "Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!" Draco's voice was recognisable as I perked my head up.
He was standing right in front of me, his arms behind his back as Filch held onto him. My eyes narrowed as he glared down at me.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Filch said. Slughorn was quiet for a moment. "I was. She was invited me." Draco spoke, his eyes fixated on me. Slughorn turned to face me. "Did you invite him, Ms. Potter?" He asked and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I looked back at Draco who was practically begging me to cover for him. I sighed silently before nodding my head, "I did." I said as Filch reluctantly let go of him. Slughorn nodded before turning back to the party. "No worries, continue partying!" He said happily before leaving. Filch quickly left along with Snape.

Draco scoffed, fixing his suit. "What are you doing here? I didn't invite you." I spoke, my arms folded. "I know that." He muttered, a frown on his face. I rolled my eyes, turning around to leave. I couldn't bear be near him anymore.
"Y/n." He sighed. I stopped. "Thank you." I heard him whisper. "Ms. Potter." I heard Snape speak before turning around to face them. "Do you mind if I steal.. your date for a moment?" Snape spoke slowly, his eyes fixated on Draco. I turn to look at Draco. "Not at all, Professor." I muttered before the two walked away.

I could see Harry running behind them. He was never going to let go of his consparicy theory of Draco being a deatheater, was he?


I was finally back at the Weasley house. Believe it or not, this place felt more of home than Hogwarts did. "Y/n, cup of tea?" Molly asked with the warm usual smile on her face. I nodded as she handed me a cup. "Thank you, Molly." I said with a smile before taking a sip.

My eyes shifted to Lupin and Harry who were in deep conversation. I walked over to them. "People are dying daily, Harry. We can only place our trust in a handful of people— if we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed." Lupin said. "What? Is Harry telling you about Draco being a deatheater?" I asked, leaning on the door.

Harry looked up at me in annoyance. "You don't believe him, do you?" I asked Lupin who shook his head. Tonks and Lupin soon left to help Molly out as I took a seat on the couch beside Harry.

Ginny made her way next to Harry with a tray of goodies in her hands. "Alright, that's my cue." I huffed, walking out.


I stayed up in the room for the rest of the evening. I didn't feel like going down for dinner after everything's that's been  happening lately. I looked out the window, tossing and turning on my bed.

In the blink of an eye there was huge fire bolt— coming straight for the house. I immediately sat up, running outside. "Harry— what's happening!?" I asked, meeting him and Ginny on the stairs. He didn't answer, grabbed mine and her hand before he dragged us out to the living room where everyone was standing.

The fire began circling the house before dark smoke erupted. Familiar smoke. The deatheaters were here.

Bellatrix, especially.

I don't know what came over me— I ran after her into the maze. It wasn't even me— I didn't want to run. I was scared of her, but my feet took me either way.

"I killed Sirius Black!" She screamed, in the same singsong voice. I pulled out my wand, blasting a curse that way which missed.

A moment later, I felt myself falling on the floor. There was thick grass surrounding me. "Stupefy!" Harry shouted at the deatheater I didn't know was there. Harry stood in front of me, his wand pointing in different directions.
My hands began to tremble, my breath got heavier.
And I blacked out.

I woke up after what felt like hours— in a strange place. It was a small graveyard. Where was I?
"Y/n." I snapped my head, turning in the direction of the sound. There was a familiar figure— the one I'd seen in my dream. I narrowed my eyes, taking a hesitant step forward. "Who are you?" I yelled.

I tried looking for my wand but it was nowhere near me. By the time I'd looked back up, the figure was right in front of me. His breath was cold and I could distinguish a grin. "Come on, Y/n. You know who I am." He spoke again, his voice distorted.

He was right, I knew who he was. "Voldemort." I muttered. "Clever girl." He sneered, pointing a wand at my throat as I closed my eyes shut. "You should be glad to see me, Y/n." He whispered. "Why? You killed my parents." I muttered, trembling in fear. "I thought I made it clear that they were not your parents, Y/n." I could feel the wand digging into my throat at this point.

"Then who is?" Is all I could get out, opening my eyes slowly. "Who's my father!?" I asked again, my voice a little higher.
He chuckled darkly.

"I am."

He who must not be Loved. [d.m]Where stories live. Discover now