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[ "Whenever there is injustice, I (Lord Bishnu) will be reincarnated always to destory the evils and devils"- Shrimad Bhagad Gita

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[ "Whenever there is injustice, I (Lord Bishnu) will be reincarnated always to destory the evils and devils"
- Shrimad Bhagad Gita

This is a story loosly based on the famous Indian epic, Mahabharat. It's battle against justice and injustice inspires me to write it. Thanks to all my readers in advance.]

Sivangi Mathur looked tired but not disheartened at all

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Sivangi Mathur looked tired but not disheartened at all. She knew the battle would be extremely tough. The Raijada family is not only affluent, but also powerful. Fighting with them is not at all easy. Satyam Singh Raijada is currently MLA of Bikaner, no one dares to challenge his so-called high political connections. Senior Raijada, well-known also as Maharaja Pratap Singh, cherished diffrent hobbies throughout his life. He was on one side a world famous cricketer and golfer, while on the other hand he was the beloved former chief minister of this small state and even now many people are under his eternal debt. So many persons could even today be prepared to sacrifice their own lives for him and his family. His desire for luxury cars and hot women were also well known among all. All of his three wives, Maharani Shakuntala Devi (mother of his firstborn, Saksham), second wife Rani Pramila Devi (mother of Satyam, second son) and third, youngest and dearest wife Rani Amrita Devi (mother of Shivam, youngest son), were also from royal families. Maharani Shakuntala Devi belonged to Jaipur family, Pramila Devi belonged to Ajmer family and Amrita Devi belonged to Junagarh family. Their brothers' decendents are also powerful like the Raijada family. So fighting with Satyam and Shivam Singh Raijada is not at all an easy task.

She hates her own pregnant body nowadays

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She hates her own pregnant body nowadays. From that day she never looked at herself in mirror. Her whole life has been upside fown. Her bulging body is not wanted by her. She now despises it from the core of her heart. She does not hate motherhood, but hates this unwanted motherhood that bestowed on her forcefully.

She lays her head on the easy chair. The life is not at all easy on her. The legal struggle took a troll on her mind and body too. She lost her respectable job, her dignity, her family support, her self-respect, her virginity and she is now even in the verge of losing her own identity.

Now she wants only revenge. Yes, she badly needs it. "Revenge... Revenge... Revenge....". That is the only motto of her life. Forever from now onwards.

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