Battle Between Saransh & Anuja

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The battle begins with a bang. Caos is everywhere. Students circling the taaching and non teaching stuffs in long rows, women from "Nari Mukti Morcha" around them, flock of reporters waiting for exciting booms regarding this whole situation and the entire police force standing ready to charge on them all - the whole situation is going out of control every minute. We could easily consider the situation as a pandemonium.

Among the teachers all are worried except the only one against whom the rally is going on - Anuja. She is smiling brightly and striking a pose to the reporters every now and then. DCP Pattwardhan and his SI Jatin look more anxious than her.

The members of "Nari Mukti Morcha"
are supporting the college students, while the members of Anuja's own NGO stand in the favor of the teachers. Both of these organisations are shouting aloud and trying to catch hold of each other, but is restricting their movements in the presence of DCP. The battle is about to begin now at any moment.

All of a sudden someone throws a stone towards the teachers. It strike with a thud sound on the Principal's head and within a second blood is pouring down through her head. This sight is enough to begin the riot. Two group of women protestants start to fight fiercely against each other. While the teachers become busy nursing their Principal, the students start to look more clueless. They don't know how to handle the situation.

All of sudden Saransh Singh Raijada come rushing to the spot with a fire arm in his left hand. From birth he is lefty, so he always uses his left hands in most works except writing, eating or drinking. Hence the use of left hand is a common practice to him. Behind him his close friend Rashid and Pranab also dash out through the long corridor of the college campus. A big silence breaks in. All of the protesting parties suddenly starts to gasp in shock.

"What he wants to do?" Jatin asks the DCP who just shrugs his shoulder without uttering anything.

"He wants to kill the Principal." Joshi, another SI speculates.

"Uhhu" DCP nods his head in disagreement by saying -"I don't think any Raijada will make such deadly mistake to do that. Saransh is not a fool. He may be using it to threat her."

"With a fully loaded revolver?" Jatin asks his senior with wide eyes and signals to watch the scenario.

A shot is already fired and people got panicked at once. Saransh, by suppressing the bewildered look on his own face, points the gun smugly to the Principal with a big smark. His attitude screams "Listen to me, unless I will shoot you" type.

But his endeavor is not producing the expected result at all. Anuja, his opponent, on the hand, in bandaged head is standing equally smugly infront of him. Both of them are glaring at each other in the same manner.

"Why wait? shoot." She yells aloud.

Saransh, looking buffled, speaks in harsh tone -"You know I can do it."

"Then do it." Her reply.

He puts his finger on trigger. Every other person look at him in shock. Is he out of mind or something? Why is he doing that?

His oppenent is not bulging. She is also standing tall equal to him.

Unable to bear this suspense, Jatin closes his eyes and starts praying to God for another miracle.

DCP Angad seems bewildered too by seeing this current siruation. He never expect that the situation will go out of control in this way. He runs his hands through his hair in despair. Angad can't do anything without Anuja's signals. In this battle she is the commander while all of them are just soldiers. They have to wait patiently for the commander's order.

Suddenly someone slaps on Saransh's stretched left hand holding the gun and it drops on the solid floor with a 'thud' sound. Saransh, while turning around to face his attacker, get a hard slap on his left cheek.

Wide eyes he watches the enraged face of his attacker, who is none else than his father, Shivam. He never saw his father in such angry mood. This is the first slap on his face by his father and that's also in public. His father is usually a calm and composed person. Nobody till today has saw him loosing his temper. And everyone knows that he just adores his only child. Many suspects that is the main reason behind his son's being mischievous day by day. Saransh does not know what to do now. He stands motionless in front of his manner lowering his head.

Anuja, with a broad smile in her face, lifts the gun in her hands and tells him - "My son, I told you earlier this is not at all a child's play (yeh baccho ke khel nahi hain)

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Anuja, with a broad smile in her face, lifts the gun in her hands and tells him - "My son, I told you earlier this is not at all a child's play (yeh baccho ke khel nahi hain)."

She comes near Saransh and gently pats his left shoulder before screaming aloud - "Dismiss."

And the whole flock of people, including the students and teachers, rushes out of the scene as fast as possible. She throws the gun on Shivam's feet who silently dives to take it and by clicking her heels disappers from the scene.

Jatin is out of breath. But by gritting teeths he murmurs one sentence - "Jai Maa."

DCP Angad also is stunned by seeing Anuja's this avatar. She seemed like Ma Chandi to him too.

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