Introducing Inspector Dibakar

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Inspector Dibakar is sitting in his office desk by clutching his head in his hands. His eyesbrows are knitted together and he is looking vacantly towards the office desk. No he is not drooling or daydreaming. On the contrary he is going through the current situation over and over in mind. He is also an honest man but not so much straight-forward to admit it. In his profession he has every right to be alert and tactful. Many corrupt and dishonest politicians and even his seniors will try to take advantage of it if they become aware of that. So this honest and just officer has to be on guard every second of his life.

But the thing which bothers him is the flow of the rape case. As an well experienced police officer Dibakar truly understands what this situation actually demands. He knows that this legal battle could not be able to do any bring any harm to the wretched dianasty of the Raijada brothers. They are sharp, extremely intelligent and alert as well as cunning and ruthless. If they think that this case is blocking their road then will never be hesistant to even opt for violence. Local goons are under their control. And Satyam's political connctions and Shivam's connections with business world make them supremely powerful here. Above all because of their royal blood they are practically worshipped in the State of Bikaner and that's the reason behind common peoples' turning black eyes on all of the corruptions and treachery done by these two  brothers.

No Dibakar is no fool

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No Dibakar is no fool. He knows that practically this legal case could not even make a hole inside the strong fort of Raijada family. The brothers, like other siblings, have severe disagreements between them in many aspects but when the bad time strikes these two brothers are quite inseparable. Akanksha Singh Raijada murder case (Akanksha was the wife of late Saksham Singh Raijada, elder brother of Satyam and Shivam) was dismissed by the Supreme Court as a suicide. Anuja Doshi murder case could not be able to reach that far and was annulled by the Bikaner High Court by citing it as a petty case of road accident. In both cases no leaf remains unturned on the behalf of the Raijada family: witnesses are bought or else killed, evidences disappeared, lawyers and police officers were threatened. Sivangi rape case is not at all an exception. Dibakar has been threatened too. But he is not afraid for his own life. After the brutal killing of Mandira and Radhika (his wife and elder daughter for standing against them in above mentioned cases) he sends his other two toddlers back to Patna to his parents. At least they will be safe from the bloody clutches of that nasty family.

Dibakar is determined now. He could not remain blind any more. Together with Sashank, Gunjan and Sivangi he has to bring the end of this monopoly of the Raijadas'. At any cost. Yes, at any cost. Even at the cost of his own life. He wants revenge too...

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