Is She Pregnant??!!!

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Since that day for two months both Tania and Saransh avoided each other. Tania deliberately missed every chance to watch the football match where Saransh had to play on the Striker end, the party time with her friends where he surely would be present and even Student's Councils Meeting where as a President of the coumcil he should be present. She even ditched to go library or cafeteria all alone in the fear of facing him. She did not stop to attend the college, just came with a driver cum bodyguard to protect herself from any other evil conspiracies.

But even after every precausations she take, due to the cruel plan of the destinty she has to face him soon. One day when she is talking happily with her best friend Reva regarding her preparation for the upcoming exams, Saransh comes hopping before her. Panting he addresses her - "Hi Tania. I have to talk to you."

She ignores him as if he is not even present there. He, feeling desperate, clutches her shoulders forcefully to turn her to face him. She raises her right hand to slap him which he catches soon with his own right hand and tugs her more towards himself. She falls into his arms and he with a broad smile in face hugs her tightly.

"Let me go. Now." She stomps her feet in anger while her friend Reva gasps in shock and sprints away to imform her aunt about that.

"Let me GO." Tania shouts on him but he is reluctant to do so. He lowers his lips to kiss on her forehead softly by saying - "One day you yourself will come to me. And I bet you, that will be very soon."

She has no idea that his prediction will be true so soon. Since five days her health conditon is worsening day by day. She seldom wakes up at night with strong stomache. After eating anything, especially in the morning time, she vomits everything. Her head spins randomly and she feels like she is listening someone else's heart beat inside herself whenever she is alone. Most depressing fact is that, she is missing her period for two months now.

Tania reluctantly with Rohan goes to meet a gynaecologist and the news she receives takes her breath away. In that report it is clearly stated that she is PREGNANT !!!! She is carrying for two months now.

Tania has to deliver this devastating news to her parents before they get hold of that from outsiders. But what can she say ???!! "Hey Mom and Dad, congratulate me. You are going to be grandparents soon. Yikes !!!!"

But she has to consult with her aunt's first. Anuja is the best person who can guide her properly.

When Tania approaches her and tells her the whole story, Anuja listens too quietly. She is already afraid of this possibility and that is the reason why she always insists her parents to live Tania at her maternal aunt's home at London, that she is not going to tell her. What is the use? This battle has already started to toll on her young life and she does not want to make her feel more worse.

Anuja, hence, quietly asks her naive neice "What you are planning to do with this child?"

Tania gasps in shock. She never expects her aunt to receive this news such calmly. She by shrugging her shoulders in despair answers her question timidly - "I don't know." She is avoiding eye contacts with her.

And here also her aunt, Anuja's reply comes as another shock to her - "Go, first discover the answer of this highly significant question. Then go to face the storms, I mean, your parents."

She looks wide eyed at her in shock but there is no sarcasm or shame on her eyes. Just like her childhood, Tania still finds solace in the arms of her aunt. And now she knows by heart whatever will happen to her in future, Anu aunty is never living her alone. Never ever.

The very next day Tania gathers her required courage to tell her parents all about her pregnancy.

At the breakfast table, when her Mom Gunjan as usual is nagging to finish her breakfast and her Dad Sashank is reading newspaper attentively, Tania gives this news to them.

"Mom and Dad, I have some news for you. I am pregnant." Without stopping to take breath she tells them that. Just in one breath.

Gunjan's beautiful face at first looks totally bewildered, then it twists with several unreadable emotions like shock, anger, agony, indifference and then horror. She closes her mouth with both of her hands to stop saying something and silently curses her own luck. Who can believe that at this tender age of 22 her only child is going to have a baby??!!!

Sashank's pipe is still lighted but he suddenly forgets how to smoke it. His eyes are wide in dismay and total disbelief. How can that happen at all? And who the hell is the father of that child his daughter is carrying??!!!

Only Anuja retains her calm and she is watching the reactions of her own family. These reactions are completely natural from an young unmarried girl's family who is all of a sudden going to have an illegitimate child.

Sashank, with a deep breath, controls his fatherly emotions and declares that in his usual cool deep barritone voice -

"Tani (Tania's nickname), my dear, be prepared. Within the next fifteen days you have to go through a very difficult operation."

"What operation??!!!" Gunjan screams unusually aloud on the top of her lungs.

Even Anuja along with everybody else seems in shock to hear such raised voice of Gunjan. She never loses her cool till today. But what can you expect from a depressed mother of a young unmarried pregnant girl??!!

Sashank lets out a small smoke from his nose and turning his back to all replies in brief - "Abortion".

Sashank lets out a small smoke from his nose and turning his back to all replies in brief - "Abortion"

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