Anuja Came Back With Bang

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A lady principal!!!! Are the college authority going mad?!!! A lady as a Principal???!!

All the boys are whispering between themselves. They feels that the presence of a lady Principal in their college is unwanted. They go to their head of group, Saransh in the name whose forefather the college was established. However the girls of the same college are more happy than them. The previous Principal was a mere doll in the hands of the Raijadas that all of them dislike not so secretly.

Saransh sits with a smark in his face while drinking red wine in a tiny room of his own inside the college campus. As a Secretary of the College Students Union he got this room that he always uses for his secret works.

He knows by heart all about this new recruitment. He wants to see that lady and welcome her all by himself. In his life he never learnt to respect any girl or woman. So it is a kind of fun act to him.

On the other hand, in the Principal's room, the resigning Principal looks agitated. He was the Principal of this college for 16 years. Now becuase of the entry of new Trusty Board Member, he is bound to resign but he is not happy. When power corrupts one's soul, he would not be satisfied with anything small.

He tosses the joining report aside and declares in a threatening voice -

"Let's see how long you stay here."

A woman in simple white saree sits elegantly before him. She is around 50 years in age but looks quite younger. In the answer of his threat she just lifts her right eyebrow and smiles small. He seems irritated now and that's all she wants. A college running without any Principal is far better than this demi-Principal standing before her. He is just a 'Mohra' in the hands of Satyam Singh Raijada, the honorable Home Minister of Bikaner.

"Let's see then." She stretches her right hand towards him and shakes it sternly. Her face shows her strength and determination. Her hazel eyes sparkle like diamond in mischief for just a second.

The former Principal curses under his breath and moves out of the room. She admires the Principal's chair before her. She at last is progressing in her mission.

The Name Plate

Saransh indicates others to stop and in an instance they become silent. By adjusting his tie and smoothing his clothes swiftly with his one hand he knocks on the door of Principal's cabin where a large golden nameplate was already hanged claiming the name of recent Principal of this Medical College of Bikaner. The name of this reputed college is Maharani Santi Devi Memorial Medical College and the name of the newly recruited Principal is Anuja Doshi. So the nameplate shows the same name on the wall.

Dr. Anuja Doshi, MBBS.Md. FRCS (London)

Bite of Flower Bug

Saransh politely knocks on the door.

Knock. Knock.

"Come on in." A very gentle yet firm voice rings in his ears.

He steps inside the room. A lavish rug is spread under his foot and it's soft touch feels soothing to him. He clutches the flower boquet tightly by seeing someone is sitting at the far end of the table. In Principal's table. 

He clears his throat.

"Yes" She claims once more.

"I bring you flower, Madam." He tries to make his voice more polite than before.

"Okay. Put it down on the table." She tells him. She is still sitting in her chair turning her back to him. without looking at him she motions her left hand to the side table.

The hand is quite fair and is adorned with four pairs of diamond bangles. Saransh is now more inquisitive to see her face. He puts down the flower boquet on the side table as instructed by her. He turns back swiftly to see her face. She, on the other hand, slides her chair at right. Hence the left profile of her face becomes hidden from his praying eyes.

"Are you done, my boy?" She asks him confidently yet cordially.

"Yes" With reluctance he starts to leave the room. Then suddenly the lady Principal stands up and turns back to him. He sees an extremely beautiful lady with sparkling green eyes, oval face, strong cheekbones, pink cheeks, long eyelashes, trimmed eyebrows and red heart-shaped lips. Her hair is firy red and curly at the end on her shoulder. Some locks of hairs are dancing on her forehead. She wears a simple white chiffon saree and black full sleeve blouse and white high heel shoes. She has no more ornament except two diamond tubs in ears, a simple gold chain adorned with diamond locket, a gold watch in the right hand and four pairs of diamond bangles (that he noticed earlier).

"Come sit down. I need to talk to you." She signals him to seat in the chair just before her with her right hand. Like a hypnotized person, Saransh sits down. He never knew such charming and charismatic lady before. He by heart understands that it is not an easy task to disobey her.

But alas, little did he know that this woman is none but his own biological mother. If he understands the fact behind his sudden pull of attraction towards her, then the fate cannot play such evil games with them anymore. But as it is correctly said that every human being is just an instrument in the hand of destiny, now onwards the main characters of this story also have to play their own respective roles. 

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