Duo met at Tube Rail, London

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The flight lands on Dublin at midnight. Shivam is exhausted but he has no time to loose. His friend, Mohan Sehgal, an NRI businessman, helps to find Gunjan's address and now he has to come to receive him from airport.

Both friends are planning to go to Dublin through train as it would be easy to not draw any unwanted attention from Satyam's men. His men are all over Kuala Lumpur international airport and even in the Heathrow airport. They must informed Satyam about Shivam's whereabouts till now. Shivam does not want them to know that he is travelling towards Dublin as Sivangi's life could be in danger.

But befor that they have to go to Baker Street, London as Mohan confirms that for some reason Gunjan could be staying there in a home as a paying guest. They have to check that place too before departing for Dublin.

Mohan tries to make small talks about several other things like the always changing weather and many tourist spots of London about whom Shivam is not at all interested. He came here before when his elder brother Saksham was alive. Saksham worked as a Teaching Assistant in Oxford University. Even if Oxford university is actually situated in the city of Oxford, 90 km away from London, but at that time Shivam randomly travelled to London from Oxford almost every day. It was his favourite passtime. He explored Baker Street several times to search for Sherlock Holmes' residence. In the same way he roamed around every street of London by foot. He loved to do that. He saw the Tower Bridge of London and was mesmerized by its beauty. The ghost stories related to this bridge and narrated by his brother Saksham left a great impact on his mind. He even, like any ordinary tourist, went to see the world famous Buckingham Palace to get a glimpse of the queen and her family. How old was he then? 20 or 21. That days were the happiest times of his life. At evening he always came back to his brother at his small Oxford residence and sitting in front of the fireplace at his cosy cottage discussed about so many things. Then they always had dinner together and after dinner his brother always played violin to him. Saksham vaiya (brother) was not only an intelligent scholar or a very Knowelagable man, but a very good violinist too. Shivam sighs hard while remembering those days. But what he misses to see is that two pair of beautiful hazel eyes with a tint of sea-green shade are looking at him from the other end of the train in utter astonishment and sheer disbelief.

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