Introducing That Girl: Tania Doshi

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That girl with whom Saransh is seriously infatuated this time is Tania. Her name is Tania Doshi. She is the only child of Sashank and Gunjan Doshi and indeed niece of his college Principal, Anuja.

Tania Doshi was born and brought up in London and had schooling from Oxford international school. She is a very good student overall and known to be highly meritorious by all of her teachers. Sashank and Gunjan, both of her parents, have high hopes on her.

She never think about looking pretty at all. A jeans and a shirt and that's all.
But boys of her schools were not at all interested in her, but in her money. So she never payed attention to them. She is bubbly and usually cheerful in nature and adored by her family.

After coming back to India, she got admission in her aunty's medical college. However she is sending several applications to other medical colleges at abroad. Her mother hopes for her admission in London School of Tropical Medicine like her father.

She never got attracted to any boy at her medical college. All of them are interested in having affairs with pretty girls. So Tania never think of them.

By the way, her parents like Rohan Rai and there engagement was almost decided by her family. But the cruel destiny has some other plans about her futurw and it really starts rolling.

One day Tania was climbing down the library stairs with great hurry to go to her class and she collided with some boy with great force. Her nose starts bleeding immediately by this sudden collision.

"Oh god" she clutches her nose with a handkerchief which gets stained in a moment.

That boy produces another pair of handkerchief from his pocket. She refuses his stretched hand. "No need, thanks."

"Please, take it. You need help." He insists her.

"I said, no." She seems adamant but he is persistent too. He suddenly lifts her in his arms in bridal style and starts to run to the college hospital wings.

"Put me down. Put me down. At once."
She struggles hard to be free from his clutches but can not make it in time.

He dashes into the hospital with her in arms and puts her down on the bench where a nurse immediately starts to attend her. Without looking back at her, he stands up and starts to move his legs towards the gate.

"Hey you" She wants to stop him but by makimg a slight gesture of hand (which indicates "good bye") he dashes out of the room and she realizes that she even does not notice his face.

At the very next week, the suspense comes to an end. This time Tania is huffing through the stairs of the cafeteria (God knows, why she always find out in climbing stairs all the times) when someone snatches her hands and pulls her towards himself all of a sudden. The area is quite lighted but due to suddenness of such situation, for the first few minutes she stands lifeless. Her legs feel numb for a moment. Meanwhile he hugs him too tightly and puts his own lips on hers. An electric shock runs down her vein and suddenly Tania realizes that he is kissing her in public !!!!

 An electric shock runs down her vein and suddenly Tania realizes that he is kissing her in public !!!!

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"Hey you, cut it out." She wants to scream it aloud but when she opens her mouth to do so, he deepens the kiss more. Tears comes out of her eyes in humiliation and loud sounds of cheers and claps comes into her ears.
She forcefully detaches herself from him and slaps him hard on his face. He looks awestruck but not sorry at all. As if it a child's play to him.

Tania makes written complaint to her Principal about this and she calls for him. Tania was ordered to stay there.

"Saransh, I have spared you before but this time you seems guilty of molesting a girl against her wish." By hearing her aunt's declaration, she looks at his face with a start. So that was Saransh again?!!!

But he never looks guilty. Very calmly he replies to her Principal -

"If you think falling in love is a crime, then punish me, Madam. I have committed only one crime this time: I LOVE HER."

Tania's eyes are wide in shock while her aunt, Anuja narrows her eyes in suspicion. Even she fails to identify what kind of game young Raijada is playing this time.

"Are you sure?!!" Anuja asks him.

Saransh nods his head avoiding eye contacts with her. "Yes Madam."

"Okay you may go now. But remember one thing. You are expelled from the college for fifteen days and cant enter into the campus in the meantime." Anuja announces her decision.

Saransh silently nods his head in agreement and goes out of the room silently. Tania is still standing as a lifeless doll.

"You may go now, Tania." By receiving her aunty's permission she comes out of the room and walks out of the long corridor in a trance. But if she will look before her, then she will notice that leaning on the male washroom wall, Saransh is smiling smugly to see her. After all Saranash Singh Raijada has started his mind game once more.

The next day when she is sitting alone in her canteen, waiting for her best friend Reva, the canteen boy serves her the hot chocolate. She absent mindedly sips the chocolate and after some time feels dizzy. She clutches her head but her eyelids are getting too heavy and within some second her remaining consciousness slips away from her body.

The very next day when she opens her eyes, she discovers herself lying naked on a hotel bed. She gasps in shock and tries to reach to her clothes scattered on the floor when she notices she is not alone in her bed. Someone is also lying beside her. She leans on him to watch his face. He is lying in his back but his face is on the right side. She, by clutching the bedsheet tightly over her chest, leans once more to her right. Her breath catches in her chest when she immediately identifies him. It is Saransh !!!! What he is doing here with her??!! What he has done with her??!!

She in shock opens her palm and the bedsheet falls down from her chest revealing several purple bite marks all over her fair skin. Her nipples are hard and bite marks are also on them. Any other girl in this dire situation will scream, cry and attack the person lying happily beside her for molesting her in unconsciousness, but not Tania. She puts her beautiful legs on the rugs of the hotel floor near the bed and gasps hard by seeing its bareness. Her limbs are numb and her lower part feels lifeless. She with pain drops on the floor and takes her clothes from there. She dresses herself as fast as poosible and dives out of the room. Tears start to pour down on her pink cheeks and her eyes are moist for them, but she ignores it. She reaches for her car, pulls her car key from her jeans' pocket, sits on the driver's seat, puts pressure on the accelator, pulls the gear from first to second and drives her car away from the hotel as fast as possoble.

Saransh is still lying in his side of bed. He is not at all sleeping, rather stark awake. He knows that a girl like Tania, in the fear of unwanted publicity, never cry for help. And she needs enough evidence to prove that she was drugged in the chocolate that she drank yesterday, while he had enough evidences ready in hands to prove that she begged to be with him after being intoxicated at yesterday's dance party and at the hotel register she herself signed as Mr. and Mrs. Saransh Singh Raijada. Even he had left enough evidence in the room's CCTV camera. He even got a tape of that steamy night in his smart phone. So none could prove him guilty in rape charge. No he did not make any mistake like his father. He, Saransh Singh Raijada the great, had taken care of everything. Tania has to be his pet very soon. Very very soon.

 Very very soon

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