Sashank confronts Shivam

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Mohan is looking intently at Shivam without uttering a single word. He tries to understand the urgency of the situation. Why his friend craves to meet that girl after such a long time he fails to comprehend.

Suddenly Shivam stiffens by realizing that someone touches his shoulder lightly by uttering - "Why, Mr. Shivam, so nice to meet you."

He turns around and finds that Dr. Sashank Doshi is smiling at him.

"Oh hello Doctor" He claims.

"You do not seem very happy to see me here." Sashank surpeisingly seems in a jovial mood.

Shivam does not reply. His mind is active. He starts to find a ray of light in darkness.

"Hello" He outstretches his hand with uncertainty as he does not know what Sashank is going to say.

"Why are you hear, Mr. Raijada?" There is no sign of mockery in Sashank's voice.

"I... I am searching for someone." Shivam answers with hesitation.

"Who? I hope not my wife?" Sashank smiles broadly.

"No, no, not at all." Shivam's cheeks all of the sudden becomes red in sheer embarrassment.

"Then why are you following her like this way?" Sashank lifts hid right eyebrow slightly.

"No, I mean, I am following..." Shivam starts stammering.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Ha..." Sashank bursts into laughter. "Don't panic Sir. I am just joking. I know my wife is pretty, but only in my eyes." He smiles again.

"Who are the other girl with her?" Mohan asks suddenly.

Sashank notices him for the first time now. "Friend?!!" He wants to know.

Shivam without answering anything just nods his head in agreement.

"I only have three family members in my family left." Suddenly Sashank becomes stern.

"You, your wife and and?!!" Shivam is taken aback by Sashank's sudden change of mood.

"My sister" - Sashank replies coldly.

Complications in Pregnancy

Sivangi opens her heavy eyes with some effort. Her head still feels dizzy. Her limbs feel numb. She feels like she has been hit by a truck. She tries to lift herself when Gunjan tries to stop her.

"What happens?" She demands to know.

"Another panick attack. And by the way it is quite natural to faint in pregnancy. I myself fainted several times." Her sister-in-law tries to make the situation light.

But Sivangi knows that something is wrong. She could feel it. Sometimes she feel tremendous pain in abdomen. That pain makes her scream in loud. She feels that the baby moves randomly. She can also feel the touch of baby's hands and legs near her pelvis area and sometimes hear its heartbeat in her lower abdomen area. Due to her own knoweldge about medicine, she could realize that there is certainly some serious abnormality in baby's position.

Dr. Cooper also confirms that. The baby is in 'Occiput Posterior' position which means its head is in opposite position than the normal ones. The ultrasound confirms it. The baby could be delivered prematurely. C-section delivery will be preferable instead of normal vaginal delivery for this reason.

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