Shivam's Reactions

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So this is Shivam Singh Raijada. Now Dibakar could see why he has so much female admirers. Dibakar is wtaching him closely. He does not look a bit happy. But why? Is it an act? Could he act? So convincingly?

Dibakar is dubitable about it. He never meets Sivam personally. With such power, political connections and affluence he was mostly absent in the legal case and present only on the opening and closing dates when unfortunately Dibakar missed him.

Dibakar cleared his throat once more to declare -

"Oh, Mr. Raijada. Nice to meet you."

And shakes hand with him.

Shivam without leaving his hand asks Dibakar hurriedly - "Is she dead? Really?"

Dibakar does not twist his face muscles and calmly replies - "I am afraid so."

The outstretched hand suddenly get loose and the person before him collapses on the arm chair once again. With a long sigh Shivam utters -

"Then she is really dead."

Dibakar could not stop himself to mock him. He placidly replies - "Is not what you want?"

Two beautiful blue eyes nest on him for more than ten seconds and then the beholder of these eyes whispers (perhaps towards himself) - "No"

"Are you sure? She was the throne in your road. You should feel relieved that she is known to be dead now. Now onwards you are free. Is not what you wanted?" Dibakar sounds sarcastic.

"No, I never want that." Short reply comes from the other end.

"Then what you want? Why you fought the battle? To save your name, fame, ancestral history, business connections or reputation? Or to simply prove her wrong?" Dibakar in adamant to know the truth.


"Why you proved her a bad girl then? Why you proved her prostitute then? Why ruined her career? Why destroyed her life? Just for silencing her or to avenge rejection?" Dibakar snaps back.

Shivam sits in complete silence. His cheeks are watery. He is crying. He is looking like a lifeless doll.

"However we need your reaction about her unforunate death." Dibakar states the fact.

"Why? To know whether I am happy or not? That's not your business, inspector." He says after taking a long break.

"Just for routine inquiry." Dibakar claims that.

"Then you have to know one thing I never wanted to disrespect her. You never could, if you love someone. Could you?" Shivam replies. His voice sounds as if in pain.

Dibakar is completely taken aback

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Dibakar is completely taken aback. He expects joy of freedom, roar of laughter, celebration of win but not this kind of emotional outburst. No he does not expect it at least from Shivam. He is convinced now either Shivam is really heart-broken (by knowing about Sivangi's fake death news) or he is the greatest actor upon this world. Dibakar is sceptical. He has to take Sashank's advice as early as possible. He just fails to comprehend this broken looking man, notorious play boy Shivam Singh Raijada, sitting idle in front of him. Shivam, the man with thousands secrets....

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