Satyam enters the scene

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With a light tap on the shoulder Dibakar jolts up and when he turns back he finds another man is standing by him. That man is around 30-35 years of age, extremely handsome, full round face, strong cheek bones, strong jaws, sharp blue eyes with tint of intelligence and cruelty at the same time. He has fiery red curly hair dyed with burgundy colour. He is medium heighted and strongly built man. But he does not look athletic like Sivam, neither he has his height. He is very fair in complexion and properly manicured nails. He has put his right arm over Dibakar's left shoulder. His presence is majestic. He looks elegant, royal, prince-like but his physical beauty will scare you from core. He, like a predator, always wants to look down upon, to laugh on everybody, to make everyone standing before him a "Mohra" (toy) of his game. This second man is smiling towards him but that smile does not touch any core of your heart. This is the most sweetest smile which is not at all a genuine one. You feel alert of him in an instance he smiles at you. It is not difficult to identify Satyam, even if you are unaware of his personality or never seen any of his pictures published on newspapers or articles. In one word, Satyam Singh Raijada is much more beyond of Dibakar's expectation.

"Hello Inspector, I am Satyam" - He declares.

"Your Highness" Dibakar bends his head before Satyam as he knows very well in heart how touchy Satyam Singh Raijada is about his royal blood. That's the only drawback of his character whose adavantage Dibakar has to take.

"Rise your head, Inspector. I am no royality before you." Satyam surely is full of surprises.

"But.." Dibakar tries to protest.

"Come with me, my friend." Satyam ushers him in the nearest room. This room is big too and similar to the other room in decoration and luxury, but just dim in light as any of the hanging chandeliers are not lit now.

"Let's not disturb Shiv (nickname of Shivam). He is very much disturbed by the news." Satyam smiles his beautiful yet not so beautiful smile.

Dibakar understands the inner meaning. He comes straight to the point to see Satyam's reaction.

"So sad, my friend. You know she was a very good BDO. So fresh, so honest, so gentle, so caring, so uncorrupt. But" He sighs.

"But?!!" Dibakar wants to know.

"I don't know my friend. She suddenly changed. She had done so much good for my state. I should thank her." This Satyam is no politician, but the ruler of this state with whom Dibakar is well aware.

"I hope her death brings peace of your mind Sir" - Dibakar asks.

"Oh no, I am so heart-broken, my friend. She was a good person but she misunderstood our desire to help her. I admire her very much even if she took a wrong road. This death is all of a sudden. So untimely demise. So sad." Satyam nodds his head as if he is in despair.

"Are not you relieved?" Dibakar asks again.

"Oh no. I decides to put her bronze statue on the central station and to name the Carter Road (where official stuffs and BDOs reside) after her. To honour her memory. Whatever she is in reality, that does not matter. She has done good to my people. So we should remember her as it is."

Satyam's such declaration just bowls Dibakar out. He knew Satyam is a good politician, but he never imagines him to be such good and convincing in his acts. He has to praise this man even if he is Dibakar's foe. This type of enemy everyone wants. A sweet mouth person with no foul words to utter but of sharp, cunning and ruthless nature who could play the role of a good samaritan as well as a merciless killer at the same time with ease. While saying good bye to him Dibakar's mind is trying to understand only one thing - now what is Satyam upto? What game he is playing now?

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