Ditching Session

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What to do now? They both start sweating. This is a do or die situation. They must not be caught unless the whole game will be finished. And whatever has to be done, has to be done fast without drawing attention. Perhaps Shivam is not following them as he never notices them. May be he somehow comes to know about their address in London and is going there.

Sivangi is looking at him with utmost interest. She is gawking him so hard that even Gunjan fails to notice. She wants to konow why.

Suddenly Sivangi comes up with an idea. Her gateup has been changed so it is not so easy to identify her. She wants to test herself and with confidence. Gunjan is not so sure of that.

"Are you crazy? How could you even imagine that he will never identify you?"She warns her.

But Sivangi is over confident. She knows that even a slight shift or movement on her behalf will be noticed by many, may be even by her worst enemy. To avoid this unwanted
situation she has to do something fast. The train almost reaches the next station. She gets up from her sit and very casually calls for her sister-in-laws. "Come on, this is our station."

Gunjan is also prepared for this. She gets up too. Both of them go towards the metalic door of the train that is about to be open. But all of the sudden Sivangi trips on something and Gunjan promptly catches her from faling. "Careful" - she even warns her. However unconsciously one of her handkerchief remains on the floor near Shivam's sit. He bends to take it. And then the door opens and both Gunjan and Sivangi leave the compartment. Shivam, clutching the handkerchief in right hand, looks here and there. Mohan notices the entire incident. He informs him that this belongs to one of the ladies departed from the compartment just now. Shivam gets up from his sit and takes a look at the stranger whose handkerchief he is holding in hand. At first he could not be able to focus on them from the window of the running train. So he moves towards the door to look clearly. And then he realises that the person whose handkerchief he has with him is none other than Sivangi herself.

He runs towards the next compartment. And then next. Then next. He looks at her from every single window, every single door. He tries to bang on every door but none bulges. The train is on movent now. It lefts the station already.

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