Anuja Confronts Raijadas

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Anuja has to face her worst fear now. To help Tania, she has to go to the Raijada mansion back.

"Are you sure Anu it is a good idea to go there?!!" Gunjan asks her.

Sashank is also dubious about the plan. He does not want his daughter to get married at that family at all.

She gets ready for going there. She puts her secret weapon on her neck and admires herself in the mirror. Her Mangalsutra is her only tool to win this battle.

"You have to wait till Sir comes back at home

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"You have to wait till Sir comes back at home." Akash instructs her to sit down.

She sits down on the lavish Mahogany sofa set dignifiedly. Damayati comes down to the hall and stares at her in shock. Her both eyes pop out of their respective sockets.

"You bitch, why are you here? Get out at once!!" She yells on her.

"I am here at last at my own home." Anuja answers her too calmly.

"How dare you to call it your home??" Damayamti shouts on the top of her lungs once more.

Her mortal enemy with a small smile on her face lifts her duppatta and produces a Mangalsutra tugging on her neck. She turns it backward to her where in the sparkling golden words it is monochromed with a name - "S. Raijada."

Damayanti stops on her track. This is Anuja's Mangalsutra, which Satyam made to present her on their wedding night. After Anu's death, he did not give it or show it to her. Whenver she asked about it, he coldly replied that it was stolen. Her brain shouts inside - "How the hell she got that??!!"

Anuja just shrugs her shoulders that angered her more.

"You filthy bitch, I will teach you a proper lesson." She screams on her.

Anuja looks at her coldly. She is not going to say anything but Damayanti's response makes her too happy. She just lifts her left eyebrow slightly in enjoyment.

"I said get out!!!" She reaches her hand to Anuja to grab her neck but stops at her track by seeing Satyam coming down the stairs.

Anuja tilts her head slightly and looks at Satyam. Satyam, by noticing Anuja, also stops at his track. "What she wants here??" He is asking himself in mind by making a deep frowning.

"Hello Satya. How are you?" Anuja asks him by lifting her right hand.

Satyam comes down the stairs in slow motion and takes her outstretched hand at his own. It feels soft as usual. Absent mindedly he lifts the hand to his lips to kiss on it, when a loudest shout startles him.


His wife Damayanti is looking at him with too much anger in her eyes. Her nostril is flared in rage. Her heart beat increases at such level that she feels she going to burst in the next few moments.

Satyam does not leave Anuja's hand till now. Her hand is still held too tightly in his hand.

"Leave her hand. Now." Damaynti stomps her feet in anger.

Anuja and Satyam both look at her angry face. While Anuja is utterly enjoying the situation, Satyam's deep cunning brain is in deep thought. "Is that mean that Anu could still be alive??!! If not, then why on the earth Damaynati is behaving so foolishly?" He thinks over and over.

Someone else is also seeing this hot conversation from his own private chamber. Shivam is looking at his brother and sister-in-law's response in shock. He fails to comprehend why these two are mistaken her as some Anuja like this??!!

"I have a proposal to make. But I think your wife is not in listening mood." She tells Satyam by pointing towards Damayanti.

"What proposal?" Satyam demands from her.

"Please, Satya, at first kindly release my hand." Anuja calmly tells him.

Satyam immediately lefts her hand with a deep blush on cheek that does not go unnoticed by his wife. She grits her teeth in anger.

Anuja moves her hand here and there before sitting back on the sofa. "Good. Now I come to the proposal part. I propose the announcement of Saransh and Tania at once. Unless.." She stops abruptly by looking at their bewildered faces.

Satyam sits down just beside her. He sits too close. He wants to know whether she feels uncomfortable or not, but to his dismay she does not move a single inch back.

Damayanti once again curses under her teeth.

"Unless?" Satyam asks her.

"I have enough evidence to send your nephew at jail in sex tape case." Anuja tells him.

Satyam laughs on her. "Why do I care about him? Do anything."

"I have enough evidence to hang you too. In the Akansha Mukherjee Singh Raijada murder case." Anuja lifts her one leg over another triumphantly. She knows Satyam will come back at his lost senses at once now.

Satyam also understands the direness of the siruation. "That bastard DCP and Editor!! Left enough evidences before meeting with death." He grits his teeth too.

Then looks at her expectantly. "Anu, you know very well that your niece will never be happy with a spoiled brat like Saransh. Then why you want to spoil her life in your own hands?" His subtle change in the tone of voice can make anyone ashamed.

"I know, Satya." She dismissively moves her right hand and touches his arm. "I just want you to announce their engagement. After a lavish party, we will declare their upcoming marriage. Then" She stops in track and prepares her own ground before talking more "within some times we will declare to all that the marriage is now postponed due to Tania's falling health and mutual misunderstandings between them. Then after the birth of the baby, you will get your heir and we get our reputation back."

"How?!!" Even Damayanti cannot stop to ask the question to her.

"Simple, Damu. They will broke their engagement after the baby comes to the earth. And both of our families will be happy. We will get her married as per our wish and so are you." She nests her eyes on Damayanti's angry yet surprised face.

Satyam admires her brain. "Whoever is she, she is cunning. Too bad I did not get her as life partner." He thinks all by himself.

Damayanti is appreciating her courage. "She had come to the lion's den to propose this kind of impossible proposal !! She really has guts." She thinks that.

Shivam, still bandaged in both hands from the previous accident, stops to lift his hands to salute her in extreme pain. She has so easily solved the problem whose soution even he could not be able to think of. He trusts his son. He knows that once the engagement will be done, none can ever be able to stop their impeding marriage. "What a masterpiece idea!!! Hats off to you, Shivangi!!" He starts to think that in his own mind. He falls for her more deeply and blushes like a school kid.

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