Where to go?

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While Gunjan and Sivangi are on the escalator they are discussing what will be there next movement. They decide to go to Heathrow as Sashank is landing there within two hours. Then they will decide what to do.

In the meanwhile Shivam is restless. He has seen his destination and now he does not want to look back. When the moving train suddenly stops at the tunnel for seconds and some door due to some inner problem opens slightly, his sixth sense warns him. But ignoring everything he manages to slide his body through the small opening of the door. He has an athletic body so it seems to him as no problem. He manages to come out of the door, gets out of the train and runs through the darkest tunnel. He has to reach to her at any cost.

Sivangi and Gunjan with difficulty catches a cab and order the driver to run towards the airport. Sivangi looks a bit nervous too. She has pass through the sitaution but her heart is still beating loudly. That adventure costs a lot of her energy and due to several complications in her second tremester her body is not at ease. She all of the sudden feel dizzy and only have a second or two tell Gunjan "I am feeling bad" before fainting in her sister-in-laws protective arms.

Gunjan has left no other choice than to rush to the hospital in emergency. At the hospital after several thorough check-ups Sivangi is discharged. The doctor diagnoses panick attack due to extreme anxiety and suffocation and prescribes some medicines. After buying them from nearest farmecy they move on towards Heathrow.

Sashank waits there patiently with Dr. Cooper. They are discussing some urgent medical problems pwhen both the girls join them. After preliminary introduction Dr. Cooper suggests to check Sivangi privately and for doing so he suggests all of them to relocate at his ancestral home in Avoca at Ireland, 53 km south of Dublin.

Gunjan tugs Sashank's sleeves avoiding everyone's eyes and tells him - "I think it's better this way". Sashank is amazed but keeps mum. He knows by heart that his wife is not a person who could pass any remark loosely.

All of them boards to Dr. Cooper's own car to reach to their destination quite unknowingly that a storm is coming towards them in super fast speed. And that storm is named as Shivam. Shivam Singh Raijada.

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