Marriage Proposal

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"Is it a trap or something??!!" Tania gasps in shock. She wants to marry Saransh badly but the acceptance from his whole family is not even in her dreams. She decides to meet with him as fast as possible.

By lifting her smart phone, she dials his number and waits impatiently to hear his voice.

On the other side, Saransh was lying lazily since morning. He was deep in his own thoughts. Since his mother showed up that day to save him and his father, he starts to believe that may be she does not hate them as he tgought earlier. He wants to clutch to his mother so badly even if she will, perhaps, never admit her feelings to her only son.

The ringing of his own mobile breaks up his daydreams. He takes it in his left hand casually but after seeing the name displaying on it, his face too instantly lights up.

"Hi, baby, missed me so much, ha??!!" He asks her.

Tania blushes hard. Even today her heart flutters at her chest by hearing his voice. She threats her heart "Stop and concentrate!!!" while clutching her mobile more tightly.

"I want to meet you. Now." She says.

Saransh sits up in an instance. His heart beat increases more. Does any thing happened in his absence to her or to their baby??!!

"Are you okay??!!" His voice seems more anxious than before. He asks more - "Everything is alright or anything happened??!!"

"Nothing" - She stops him before finishing his mindless blubbeings. She knows too well if she will allow him, then he will ask tons of questions in a few second.

"Then?!!" He asks her again.

"Meet me at the park near the college campus. I will wait for you there." She hangs up the phone and prepares to go out.

The sudden hanging up of this phone makes him truly anxious in heart. He rushes to the garage, boards on his car, and puts on the gear. His very favourite car comes to the life. Within a few minutes it is seen disappearing in the hussle bustle of busy road.

Tania is waiting for him for thirty minutes now. Her bunglow is just two minutes walking distance to the park. She does not know that someone else is also hiding behind the bushes just next to her right.

"So much mosquitos!!" Rohan tries to lift his hand but stops dead on his track by hearing the sound of shoes of someone's. He ducks deep into the bushes but concentrates on listening everything. A tape recoder was rolling in his pocket too silently since he was hiding here.

Saransh comes from behind Tania and he stands just beside the bushes where Rohan is hiding.

"Good god, why on earth he has to stand here??" Rohan thinks in mind and tries not to move in the fear of being caught red handed by these two love birds. He is just following his aunty Anuja's instructions reluctantly.

Saransh puts his chin on Tania's shoulder and hugs her from behind.

She feels butterflies run down her stomach even now and carefully puts a hand on her grown belly

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She feels butterflies run down her stomach even now and carefully puts a hand on her grown belly.

He kisses her fevershily from behind with such passion and hunger that Rohan lowers his head and curses his luck. "Why the hell I have to see this?"
He asks himself by closing his two eyes tightly.

"Stop it, Ansh." She tells him in fake anger.

"Uhhu.. I missed you too much. I can't wait now." He replies with hungry tone.

Tania pushes her ankle to his ribs all of a sudden and with a gawk sound he lives her alone. She pants hard while he caresses his wounded ribs with his hands.

"You are becoming naughty." He tells her in hurt tone with pouty lips. He looks like a small boy whose ice cream has been snatched by someone.

She laughs and by turning to face him runs her fingers down his hair.

He purrs happily and pulls her close. He tries to kiss her but she closes his mouth with her palm.

"Do you really love me, Ansh, or you are in love with this body??"

Her question takes his breath away.

"What do you mean by that?!!" He demands to know.

"May be it is just your infatuation with this body that will go away with times." She replies casually.

Even Rohan tries to look at her with surprise. She has some civic sense left then!!

Saransh kneels down before her and produces an sparkling diamond ring to her by asking a sudden but very much expected question -

"Tani Baby, will you marry me??"

"Tani Baby, will you marry me??"

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