Saransh Confronts Anuja

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"What to do now?" Saransh is talking to himself. Till he came know the truth of his own birth, his will power seems shaken. His arrogance all gone. The smugness and ruthlessness of his nature has been turned into love and gentleness that he himself was unaware of. He decides to confront his biological mother and ask her the reason behind her abandoning him.

He is a boy of words. He knows how to keep up his promises. He enters the Doshi Manor at the early morning at 8. He leaves a message to the door keeper that he wants to meet his Principal, Anuja Doshi to apologise.

"Let him in." She instructs the guards to open the door.

"But.." Gunjan tried to stop her but Anuja stopped her in between mid-sentence by saying -

"Don't worry, Vabi (sister-in-law), I don't think he will carry a gun to kill me here."

So, according to Anuja's plan, both Gunjan and Sashank, leave her alone with Saransh in the big drawing room. She wants to handle him now onwards. The college incident proved her mettle in this regards.

"Mom!!!" Saransh dives to her feet when he enters the room. Anuja looks at him questioningly but in complete silence. She wants to test the ability of this young Raijada all by herself.

"Come, my son (Beta). Sit down." She tells him politely. There is no mockery or sarcasm hidden in her voice.

He sits on her feet. Anuja feeling uncomfortable tries to pull her legs slightly backward invain. The easy chair's leg-rest stops her to do so.

"Why you are sitting here? Come and sit on the chair." She tells him by indicating another easy chair just beside her.

He nods his head violently in protest. She looks dubious this time? Is it a game for Junior Raijada? As according to his reputation Saransh Sigh Raijada loves to make every other person sitting in his feets and hates to sit on anyone else's feet. Then why on earth he is doing this drama?

"Come sit above." Without showing any sign of her doubt Anuja smiles softly and pats on the empty chair next to her.

Saransh is still refusing to sit in the chair. He is now staring at her in such a way that she feels uncomfortable. Young Raijada has a nasty reputation about women. Most says that he could hypnotize even a female snake with his deep big hazel eyes with a tint of grey in the pearl of his eyes. But why should he waste his charm on an older lady like her??!!

"Tell me, why you are here. You wrote on the note that you are sorry. I am ready to cancel your punishment if you are truly sorry, my son." She utters quite proudly.

"Do you really think that I am your son ??!!"

His next question shakes her newly found determination. She lifts her right eyebrow in question mode but never utters a word. She, in silence, is trying to understand what card young Raijada is playing now.

"Mom !!!" Saransh calls her softly.

Her whole body stiffens up for a split of seconds. How on earth he discover that? Nobody knows that she is not Anuja, but Shivangi. Not even Satyam or Damayanti could guess that truth till now. Then how this 23 years old boy defeat them all in this puzzle game? All of a sudden she remembers Inspector Jatin's patent dialougue - "I have seen many great men (Mahapurush) and you are certainly one among them (Ap purush nahi, Mahapurush hain).

Even in this dire situation a pleasant smile spreads on her face and she pats gently on Saransh's shoulders -

"You are wrong, my child. I am not your mother."

He looks at her with puppy eyes with tears full in it. "Are you telling that my Dad is a liar? He identified you."

"No, my child, I am just telling that he has been mistaken." She replies more sweetly that sounds harsh on his ears. "You mean my father in insane?" He asks more.

"No, I am suggesting to you just that I am Anuja, not Shivangi." She explains gently yet placidly.

"How could you reject to identify your son, Mom?" He seems persistent in his demand.

"I can't. Because I am not at all your mother, son." She refutes his strong biological claim more placidly than he even thought of.

"Please, Mom..." He seems adamant but in Sashank's order the guards clutch his both hands tightly and start to drag him towards the gate.

He fights, kicks and yells on them. On the top of his lungs he shouts back - "Oh Mom... Mom pleaseee." till he can be seen by anyone.

Anuja looks pensive by seeing this scene. In Gunjan's insistence, Sashank puts a gentle hand on his sister's left shoulder by asking -

"What do you think of him?"

"I think the true person to be entitled as a 'Person with Many Faces' must be Saransh Singh Raijada instead of his uncle, Satyam Singh Raijada. Hats off to that young enemy of ours. He sat so closely to me and examined my every movement like a hawk, but I failed to understand his true intention. Really brother, Akash was right. Hats off to Saransh. Truly hats off. I must admit that."

"You are accepting defeat even before the proper starting of the battle?" Her sister-in-law, Gunjans asks her.

"No, I am just admiring the strength of my enemy. My enemy is young but not naive at all. Vai (brother).."By turning her head to Sashank, she indicates towards the gate of their home with her perfectly manicured index finger "Be prepared for the triple atttacks from the three prominent Raijadas - Satyam, Damayanti and Saransh."

"What about Shivam?" Gunjan asks once more.

"Leave him to me." Anuja lets out an amused smile. Perhaps she is now admiring her son's talent once more.

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