Hell broke over All

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...Sashank's Story....

The news of Dibakar's death comes as a shock to the Doshi family. His body was discovered lying on the pool of blood in his hotel room. Two young men of around 23-25 years was seen running out of the room by one of the bellboy attending the guests in nesrest rooms. Police issued an arrest warrant in the name of unknown murderer or murderers. However in the CCTV camera of the lobby only one of them were seen following the murder victim and to enter into his room forcefully by shoving him inside the room. Police suspected that he was the main culprit and the other one was his accomplice. They run away by driving a black Sedan car. They were caught in the CCTV camera of the garage are of the hotel. However their pictures especially thier faces were not clear in these videos.

Sashank is talking with the higher police officials after that. He knows by heart it is a handiwork of the notorious Raijada family. But who is the killer of Dibakar? Shivam Singh Raijada? Or his ruthless middle brother the world famous Satyam Singh Raijada?!!!

....Gunjan's Story....

Mrs. Doshi is completely devastated by this untimely death of Dibakar. He is a brother-figure to her. He came just yesterday. How could he die so soon now?

She could not consult with Sivangi. In the mean time she has grown faith on Sivangi's intelligence. Doctor warned Gunjan not to tell anything to her. She till now had several panic and anxiety attacks. Due to the complications of pregnancy time she should be in constant rest from now onwards.

She has to consult with someone else as soon as possible.

....Sivangi's Story....

Sivangi is lying lazily on her bed. She is not in mood of talking with anyone now. She is in deep thought.

"Why Dibakar bhaiya is not coming today?" She is waiting patiently for his arival. Little does she know that he would never come to meet her again. He is gone. Forever.

Shivam's Story

He is sitting idly in a lonely dark room. He is in deep thought. He wants to think over and over the situation, hence he sends Mohan outside of the hotel room. Mohan goes out to bring lunch. This is the high time he needs to think.

Someone taps on the road. Shivam opens it hesitantly. Who could be at this hour? May be a bell boy or a room service. But he is taken aback by seeing his middle brother Satyam standing there.

"Hi, Shiv. How are you?" Satyam is in all smiles.

He looks at his brother's smiling face inquisitively. It is a genuine smile coming from heart. He knows his brother, so he is not assured at all. But he welcomes his brother into the room.

Satyam confidently enters into the room and by examining it throughly turns towards him by uttering -

"I have come to give you an important news."

Shivam looks at him with interest. Now what news he could expect? It must be a bad news. Perhaps the arrest warrant has been issued in his name. He makes a face. "What a fate" by murmuring in mind.

Satyam puts both of his hands on his younger brother's shoulders and with a gentle pat softly utters -

"I know you came to meet her."

Shivam, with a jolt, looks up to him.

Satyam in the similar softness in voice declares clearly -

"I have news. She is in labour."

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