Introducing Rohan Rai

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Rohan Rai, BA, LLB, is a 28 years young promising lawyer who is well known for his constant fight against corruption and injustice. But he has another identity. He is son of departed Inspector Dibakar Rai. Since his father's brutal murder, Rohan took this vow to avenge his untimely death and he is grown up into a fine gentle lad.

After his father's untimely demise Doshi family gave him and his sister Ragini shelter and took the vast responsibilty of their education. Ragini is doing her Mphil in Medicine and Sashank uncle himself guides her as a mentor. She is now practicising under him too as a junior doctor. Gunjan aunty and Anuja aunty have special place in his young heart. Both of them never make him realize that actually he is orphan and he is very grateful to them both in this regard. He even forgot his mother's and his elder sister Radhika's faces. He was a very small baby when they both died. He was around three and his younger sister, Ragini was barely five months. After that father took care of them but when Rohan was only six, his father died too. Still then he and his sister was living with the Doshis.

Today he is thinking whether his life story would be different if his father, mother and elder sister is still along with him, all of a sudden his moblile starts ringing.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

He takes the phone and says without paying any notice - "Hello".

"Rohan, Anu aunty calling."

He sits straight in his chair. Anuja aunty never calls him at this oddest hour of the day. Must be some serious problem.

"Yes, Anu aunty, I am listening." Says he.

"Are you all alone? I need to talk something private to you." Explains she.

He is right in his suspicion. She must be in some kind of jam. But what could it be? She is so smart, she never fells in any problem till now. She dodges out of every calamity of her life with ease. Rohan runs his free right hand through his black curly hsir thoughtfully.

"Rohan, are you alone?" She asks once more.

He is all alone in his small chamber. Basically this is the recess time at court. But today is exceptional as he does not got any case today. He is just going through his files for the next day's case. Tommorrow is his big case against the Raijada Builders for using cheap materials in the construction of multiplexes. One such multiplex built on the Junagarh Fort Road was collapsed two months ago and thousands of people were dead in this accident. This is simple State versus Raijada Enterprise case, where he is working as public prosecutor in the favor of the state. Nowadays even the state is not compleyely in favor of the notorious Raijada brothers and that news is really relieve to any honest man like him. However one of his chief witness is DCP Pattawrdhan, so he is rehersing his lines today more fiercely.

"No, I am alone." He tells her by breaking out of his trance of thought with a jolt.

"Good, listen, send some women in the college campus and tell them to pretend as if they are the members of Damayanti Singh Raijada's group." Anuja exclaims.

"Against whom? I mean they have to protest against whom?" Rohan asks her.

A small sound of smile comes flowing through the other end of the phone. "Of course, me."

"What???!!!" His brain stops working at once. "You want them to protest against yourself?? But why??!!!" He almost yells aloud and then gasps in shock.

Anuja smiles again and instructs him -"Tell them to protest against me, even throw stones on me or use rods on me if found nrcessary. More or less it should look violence all over the place."

He is still standing still with mouth agape. Rohan fails to comprehend the inner meaning of this. But he knows one important thing. Anu aunty never does anything illogical in her entire life. If she wants this caos, then there must be a valid reason behind it.

Rohan stammers hard to utter just one word - "Okay".

Anuja smile again and tells in very soft voice that almost sounds like a whisper -"Rohan beta (son), everything is fair in love and war. And this is the war of Kurukshetra."

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