Day In Hospital

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When Shivam slowly opens his eyes with difficulty he discovers himself lying on the hospital bed. A nurse is tugging his bed cover. She looks quite old in age. She smiles to him. An angelic smile. A smile that is the proof of her kind heart and forgiving nature. She looks like the old yet gentle grand-mother to him.

"Hello" He stiffens to hear that much familiar voice coming from a person just entering to the room through the doors.

Sashank enters the room with a heap of files in hands and directly looking into his eyes smiles broadly -

"Welcome back."

Shivam is unable to comprehend the meaning of this sentence. He too looks at the doctor in silence. He is quite curious to know the inner meaning of the doctor's claim.

"You came back from death. For three days you were in coma. We all lost hope, but you fought bravely." Dr. Sashank smiles once more. His smile seems genuine to him.

"But you are.." Before Shivam completes his sentence Sashank stops him by signalling with his hand and says grumpily - "I know, I am a baby doctor. Gynecologist. However you forgot one thing. A baby doctor is still a doctor with basic knoweldge of medicine. Dr. Desai and Dr. Parker did the operation. I and Dr. Cooper just present there to assist them."

"What happened to me?" He asks the doctor. "Your condition was too critical. Your vertical cortex was damaged partially so also your ribs and spin. We suspected either instant death or paralysis. But you recovered. That's the relief." He nods his head.

He feels very grateful to this person. Even though he knows all about his crime, he tried to save his life. Shivam stetches his right hand to him.

Sashank takes it in his own right hand and gently shakes it. Then he starts checking his vitals, taking his temperature and going through the health chart attached to the legside of his bed in a busy note and instructs something to the old nurse.

"You need proper rest. I have given you sedatives." He claims.

Shivam looks at him blankly. He is in deep thought.

Before going out of the room Sashank pressures slightly on Shivam's right arm and whispers softly -

"Sleep thight, tiger."

An Unsang Heroine

Gunjan sat quitely on her chamber since morning. She also seems lost in thought. All of a sudden someone runs towards her room and barges in. She jolts up and breaks into a smile by seeing her own husband, Sashank.

He practically runs to her, lifts her in his arms and spins thrice. Before understanding what is going on, Gunjan opens her eyes in shock. Since ages she never saw her husband so happy.

"What is the matter?" She whispers softly.

He with a broad smile puts her down, but does not let her go. He holds her tightly in his chest. She closes her eyes in happiness.

Sashank pulls her chin up to face him and kisses her deeply. She opens very eyes more wide. Her brain fails to understand the significance of this.

"You are my saviour." He murmurs in between the kisses.

"What did I do?" She manages to open her mouth to ask the question somehow.

"You know what you did. You saved our mission. You are my pillar of strength." He stops kissing and again pulls her in his chest.

Gunjan blushes hard. She is not used to such compliment. She always plays back. This time her intuition seems right and it saved their battle. Her cheeks get more red. Tonight she feels like a newly-wed bride.

Unexpected Visitors

Suddenly at night Shivam opens his eyes to see that a man is leaning on his face. He wore a black suit. His face is hidden in a black mask.

"Who are you?" He tries to sit up on the bed but cannot. His left hand is still attached with blood bag. In an instance the man pulls out a knife from his pocket. To protect himself, Shivam lifts his right arm to snatch the knife out the man's hand. But before that the man drops on him with a sudden "gawk" sound. What is going on here? Shivam tries to adjust his eyes with the dimly lighted room and he notices a girl is standing before him. She holds a big iron stick in her hands. He stiffens for a second then tries to lift the body of that senseless man from him. The girl, on the contrary, instead of assisting him looks at him once, smiles menacingly and then runs away from the room. But before going out she utters this sentence -

"I will not let you live peacefully: but don't worry I will not let you die either." [Ham apko jine nahi denge, aur sochna mat, ham apko marne bhi nahi denge.]

Shivam's whole body seems to be numb in shock. He is not bewildered but shocked too. He cannot believe his own ears. This threatening is also very familiar to him. The girl must be.... Must be Shivangi. His Shivangi.

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