Shivam Broke Down

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"What do you mean by that?" Shivam practically screams on Sashank who, just a shrug of shoulders, indicates to Dr. Cooper.

"Sorry young man. We could not save the patient." Dr. Cooper tells him.

All of sudden he seems out of his life. He does not what he is listening. "You could not save whom?" He wants to confirm the truth of the news hence asks in a low voice.

"The mother." Old doctor informs him.

Shivam collapses down on the road in an instance. He can't believe what he is hearing. "No. No. You are lying. You are lying to me. Once more." He closes his ears tightly in his hands and madly rushes towards the room.

"You can take the baby anytime you want. You have a boy. A fine healthy baby boy." Sashank tells him.

He is not listening. His love is lost. Shivangi is gone. His entire world is doomed. How could he tell everybody he is not here for the baby, but for Shivangi? How could he show them his love for her? He accepts his guilt of all misdeeds but this type of punishment is bit too much to bear. His one last hope is gone now. He had drawn several happy pictures in his mind consisting of him, her and their baby. His mental image of the perfect family will never ever be complete.

"How can it be possible? I want to see her

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"How can it be possible? I want to see her. You just cannot keep me apart from her." By saying this he bolts inside the room to discover it empty.

"Where is she? Where you took her?" He grabs the first nurse he sees and shakes her with great force. she yelps in pain and protests. Sashank and Dr. Cooper rushes into the scene. They drag him out of the room and shove him onto the nearest bench.

"Control yourself. Don't try to create a scene." Sashank scolds him while Dr. Cooper just shrugs his shoulders in frustration.

"I can't control myself. I just can't. Let me see her. Please." Perhaps for the first time of his life he begs in front of someone.

Sashank looks at Dr. Cooper inquisitively. He is asking him what to do next in silence. Whether Shivam can be allowed to see the dead body of another girl or not that is the most pressing question of the moment.

Dr. Cooper simply nods his head in agreement. He wants to end this drama.

Sashank sighs. He also want to see how this story unfolds.

They allow him to see the dead body. A girl's body was full covered up. It was left on a trolley in a dark room. All according to their master plan.

Shivam enters the dark room. His eyes took some time to adjust with the darkness. When you step into the darkness from light, you suddenly feel like a blind man. Same happens with him. For a minute or two he cannot be able to see anything. Then he saw the trolley on the farthest corner of the room. Some dead body is lying there covered with white sheets.

He rushes to it. By reaching there he tries to pull out the cover. To his great shock, it is Shivangi. She is lying there without any movement.

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Gunjan's Sting: A Master Stroke

Gunjan accepts what her husband says half heartedly. She knows that this plan will be fruitful only partially. She, deep down in her heart, is sure that Shivam will want to uncover the face of the dead body. Then their plan will be ruined. If he comes to know that the dead body does not belongs to Shivangi's, then he understand their conspiracy. So to prove her dead she needs a dead body and that dead body must be Shivangi's own.

She told her plan to Shivangi when she came back in her senses. She was too much exhusted but did not lose her intellect. She pants a little before claiming -"Vabi (sister-in-law), this is great. You are genius."

Gunjan's cheeks got red in sheer embarrasment. She was used to play behind, never tried to come before like this.

While suppressing her growing embassment, she asks a valid question - "But can you do it?"

Shivangi smiles and answers her -"I can hold my breath for five minutes. Maximum. You have to drive him out of the room in the meantime."

"Okay" With a childlike excitement these two girls started to excute their own plan. They removed the dead body of the other girl in the adjunct room and then Shivangi ducked on the trolley. Gunjan was already present in the room. She stood in the small lobbey just near the door. When Shivam enters the room in hurry, she gestures Shivangi to hold her breath. Shivangi obeys her instruction. And the result you can see in Shivam's expression.

After Effect of Firework

When Shivam pulled open the cover, he cannot believe his own eyes. It is Shivangi, lying before him. She is not moving. He hugs her tightly, feverishly kissed her face from head to cheeks, from cheeks to lips. But no sign of life can be seen. She is not breathing.

The sight is enough for him to break down in tears

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The sight is enough for him to break down in tears. He starts to sob hard. And kisses on her foreheads and lips simultaneously. "You can't die on me. You simply can't." He murmurs. He looks like a broken man.

Gunjan also stands there at the corner holding her breath. Such passion she does not expect at all. How can Shivangi resists herself she fails to understand. She herself can't. With a jolt she breaks up and sprints towards him by screaming -"Stop. Please." In her heart she knows Shivangi cannot hold her breath far longer.

Sashank also boltes into the room. At first he was taken aback. But then his sixth sense warns him. So he also runs to the action. With an inhuman speed he reaches to Shivam and tears him apart from Shivangi.

"Please. Let me go. Let me go." Shivam protests and stuggles hard to break himself free from the clutches of the Doshis. 

They both shove him out of the room. Sashank still holds him tightly in his arms. He knows that only one single mistake can ruin their till sucessfully executed plan.

"Calm down, Mr. Raijada." He pats on Shivam's left shoulder. Sashank still clutches him as if not ready to let him to go.

"What name we would put in the death cerificate, doctor?" One nurse with redhead asks Sashank.

Before Sashank opens his mouth Shivam answers - "Mrs. Raijada. Mrs. Shivangi Shivam Singh Raijada."

Sashank, Gunjan even the nurse are surprised. Gunjan seems to be in the trance. Even Sashank cannot believe in his ears. Is he listening right or else? Shivam is accepting Shivangi as his wife? Why?

By producing a Mangalsutra from his pocket Shivam requests to Sashank - "Can you please give it to her?"

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By producing a Mangalsutra from his pocket Shivam requests to Sashank - "Can you please give it to her?"

Sashank simply nods his head and takes it from him. This type of end of his masterplan is not even thought of by him. Neither by anyone else.

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