A Fatal Blow & Massive After Effect

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Exposing someone like Satyam Singh Raijada is not at all an easy task. It is proved even by DCP Angad's untimely demise. No enemy till now could throw a challenge to him openly and not been spared.

Sashank becomes more reserved now. He is thinking too much now a then. Gunjan seems to be quite uncannily silent. Only Anuja's outer behaviour remains the same, but surely she also has been shaken by this news. Rohan and Akash are petrified while Jatin is still in deep shock. This one death shakes them all to the core.

All of them decide to be silent for a moment. It is a good strategy indeed. When you cannot identify your fierce opponent's next move, then just wait patiently for it. But All except only Avimanyu, who thinks offense is the best defence much annoying Sashank.

Avimanyu Rawat feels eccentric by receiving this deadly news of his friend's death. His mobile falls down with a thud sound. He just can not trust in his ears. He wants revenge. He wants justice. Suddenly an idea stikes him. He takes out the files from his locker and rereads the Dual Murder Mystery Case that turned to be a petty suicide case later. The father along with his young daughter was found dead in their own premise. Avimanyu is convinced that this was also a work of Satyam and Angad's enqury and through deduction prove it. Only Satyam Singh Raijada had ample opportunity to murder his elder brother Saksham's newly wed wife and her father in this way. Saksham was innocent as he was out of station that day. His father sent him to meet with some influencial friend. He rushed to the spot but only after six long hours of the incident. Satyam and his father, Pratap had no alliby at that time. According to Satyam, he was sleeping in his room; while in Pratap's evidence, he was drinking with his friends in his bedroom. No frinds of Pratap could be trusted as all of them were his employees and could give such evidence under pressure. More of all, the father of Saksham's wife was left-handed as testified by his young son. But at the incident spot his deadbody was holding a gun on his right hand and there was a hole on the right side of his head. How could a  left-handed man use his right hand to commit suicide? And why on earth his daughter would kill herself when she was carrying a baby? Yes, in the Post Mortem report it was shown clearly that she was pregnant at that time. Pregnant of three months. When her husband aceepted her and acknowledged their relationship openly, then why the hell she would hang herself? There was no valid reason behind it. Specially when she was carrying his baby in her womb? No mother would ever do anything to harm her baby.  Then why? This suicide story did not make any sense to Angad and he inquired deep about this case in secret.

Angad, after a through analysis of the situation, motive and reason behind this dual murder case, discovered that the main culprit was Satyam. His footprints were found imprinted on their windowpane, backdoor and even at the bedroom floor when these two bodies were discovered. But at the very next day they were removed suspiciously. All the evidences of Akanksha and Saksham's marriage were found either torned up or burned down. This lead to only one conclusion that Satyam Singh Raijada started his murder game much earlier than all thought of.

Avimanyu decides to publish this story in an article form at the front page of his paper chronologically in the name of decesead DCP Angad Pattwardhan. It will be a tribute to him.

The very next day the entire state of Bikaner is shocked to read the headline of India Today -

Satyam Singh Raijada Murdered Akanksha Singh Raijada Thirty Years Ago

This news creates a sensation all among the poeple. All are whispering, murmuring about it. The prestige of the famous Raijada family once again becomes a laughing stock. Sashank is displeased with this. He fears that this open challenge will bring another disaster soon. Anuja is also fearing the same. The cunningness of that family ruined her life earlier. She knew they will never remain silent. They must create another havoc very soon. Like Angad, she is also fond of Avimanyu too. They both are naive and foolish, but are honest. She is praying hard for Avimanyu now. But her prayer will never been listened by any God and a fatal blow is rushing forward to him in a devastative speed.

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