Saransh Arrested !!!!

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The breaking news of every newspaper on the very next day is shocking.

Saransh Singh Raijada Arrested In Rape Charge

It is shocking yet true. Saransh was really arrested yesterday in the same charge. But Anuja has something to do with it. She gave the sex tape, that she recorded yesterday on the hotel CCTV camera, to Jatin who send it to his seniors and this is the result of it.

This news shocks the people of entire Bikaner along with the Raijadas. The foundation of the notorious Raijada family starts to shake hard with this sudden eruption. Even Satyam and Damayanti are bowled by this new development. Only no emotion of Shivam is to be shown on in his face.

"What to do??" Damayanti asks her husband.

Satyam drinks his red wine slowly and he just, by shrugging his own shoulders, lifts his right eyebrow in questioning mode. This unexpected development makes him tensed too.

"Don't you think it will affect on our reputation?" She asks him again.

He lets out a small laugh. When a murder or rape charge on him or his younger brother never affected their reputation, then what will happen now??!! Satyam is not worried for his reputation, this controversy will increase his chance of win in the next poll indirectly. Any corrupt politician has more fair chance to win than a naive just one in politics.

"So, are you really not going to do anything??" She asks once more.

She seems completely taken aback by seeing this indifference in Satyam's behavior. He is maninly very fast in taking decisions, then why the hell he is taking so long??!!!

"No, not now. This is the time to wait and watch." Her husbands sips his drink for another time.

Damayanti, who is staring at him without even batting her eyelashes once, now comes to the realisation that her husband should be thinking hard. He has not to be disturbed at all. Satyam must has another plan ready in hand.

"Are you sure that it will play its trick at all??!!" Sashank asks his sister Anu who is sitting lazily on the easy chair in their lawn and drinking tea from her teacup.

Gunjan grumpily sits on her chair too and is not in talking terms with Anuja anymore. She starts to blame her for everything happened with Tania.

"Anu, do you really think it will help us at all? Tania's name can also be leaked." Sashank grits his teeth and chews his pipe in excitement which is quite opposite of his nature. Actually a father's worryness, for the wellbeing of his only daughter, is taking toll on his health and also clouding his razor sharp mind.

Gunjan is sitting unusually silent. She silently makes annoyed face on her sister-in-law. She just tilts her head to hear their discussion attentively.

Anuja looks at Gunjan with utmost interest. "What happens, Vabi (sister-in-law)? You are unusually silent." She asks her.

Gunjan twists her nose in rage and turns her face backward. She is very much angry with Anuja as she falsely thinks that she could stop Saransh's advancement towards Tania.

Sashank is also embarrassed to see this strange reaction from his wife. It is really humiliating to blame Anuja for the children's own faults.

"I think it will be enough to teach him a lesson." Anuja tells them calmly.

But she is wrong. Even sitting alone in his prison cell, Saransh is hamming happily. Nobody can't understand him till now. He knows that all of this is going according to Anuja's plans. He beforehand knows the positions of all CCTV cameras on the hotel room and he makes the scene look more wild on the camera.

He never forced Tania yesterday to drink any kind of alcohol at all as he has suspect that she may be carrying his child. Whenever she walked through the hotel corridor or climbed down the stairs, she walked so slowly that arouses Saransh's suspicion. And his two pet clowns, Dev and Joy, were following her everywhere except ladies washroom. He got the news that she went to the hospital to check up and he even received a copy of her ultra sonography report by bribing a greedy hospital clerk in secret which proves him ultimately right.

 He got the news that she went to the hospital to check up and he even received a copy of her ultra sonography report by bribing a greedy hospital clerk in secret which proves him ultimately right

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He knows everything beforehands. He himself walks into the trap so that he can be arrested in the rape charge and start his mind game very soon. It is true that he wants Tania. But not because he is in love with her or something. He at first just wanted to teach her parents and her a lesson. But now after getting the news of her pregnancy, he changes his game. His mother was right that day. He wants to marry Tania, so that Sashank Doshi becomes his ally, not foe. From what happened to him previously, he comes to know that to his auncle and aunty he and his father are mere pawn of this game. Both of their lives are at stake. They can kill them anytime. But if he can marry Tania, then for the sake of his only child, Sashank will save him and then his mother can't refuse him any more.

There is another reason behind his agreeing to have Tania in his life. And the reason is - Shivangi, his own mother. Whenever he thinks about her, his heart aches hard. He has only one weakness: his mother. He loves her too much. Fascinating yet true. Even if he does not know his mother, but he loves her. He wants to touch her, rest his head peacefully on her lap and wants to sleep there. It is his wish to be with his mother since childhood and if marrying Tania is the only option to reach towards his mother, then he will do that too.

His prediction is right. A group of reporters come rushing to the jail cell where Saransh is imprisoned.

"Sir, do you really rape a girl??!!" A reporter girl with a black rimless spectacle asks him timidly.

"No, I don't." He seems morose to give the answer. He was well trained actor since childhood.

"Then what happened yesterday??!!" Another young male reporter asks him.

"I accidentally fall in love with a girl whose parents hate me and my family tremendously. Hence they played a trick on me." He looks so sad and real tears come pouring down his cheeks.

The reporters make a video of this exclusive interview and spread this in the TV news all over the state within evening. 

Saransh Singh Raijada Claims Himself Innocent

Teary Saransh Discloses Whole Story

Saransh Is Tricked In The Name of Love

Even A Raijada Can Make Mistake in Love

"What an amazing actor. He should get Oscars for his great performance." While watching live telecast from Central Jail on her own 76 inch TV set, decorated on the lavishly decorated drawing room, Anuja murmurs to herself.

"Poor Shivam, if he would be any way near to this boy of his, he could win over your heart. And then you will not fight on our side." Gunjan answers her.

Sashank makes an annoyed face. This is not a high time either for blame game or for if-then game. They have to find out a soultion soon. Unless they are going to loose this battle.

However Anuja looks indifferent by this sudden teasing of Gunjan. She tugs her 'Mangalsutra" (auspicious black beads with gold locket worn by married Indian women) in her index finger and starts twisting it absent mindedly. With a small smile at her face, she looks at her sister-in-law Gunjan affectionately by shrugging her own shoulders and whispering this -

"Who knows. Perhaps."

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