Satyam Met Anuja

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When with long strides Anuja enters into her room, then she suddenly feels overwhelmed to see that the chair is not empty in her room. Someone is sitting on it. A devilously handsome man of around 60 (but looking much younger than his real age), dark in complexion, with a head full of black and white curly hair, high cheekbone, straight nose, trimmed eyebrow, long eyelashes with brown eyes with a tint of black in the pearl of the eye, double chin, strong torso, broad shoulders and long artistic hands is sitting tall in her Principal's chair. Anuja does not fail to identify Satyam Singh Raijada in first glance, so does he. His open mouth with a sign of genuine suprise shows that perfectly.

She strolls towards her chair and by slightly leaning over her desk table, with a smile in face utters seductively - "Hello Satya." Anuja always called Satyam in this petname. It was like their own code word.

Satyam's body stiffens in shock at the very next moment. He almost chokes to death and to control himself a slight coughing sound comes out of his throat. The same look, same attitude, same innocent smile even the same tone of voice. How could it be ever possible? He knows it can't be as he himself is the killer of Anuja. But that Anuja is standing tall infront of him with slightly tilting head and sternly looking at his eyes. He is so overwhelmed by the sight that absent-mindedly he whispers her name softly - "Anujaaa" in suprise.

She smiles again. That innocent yet charming smile of hers, that always caused butterflies dancing in his stomach and loud thumping of his heart. His heart beats still very loudly in his chest with "B.A.D.U.M. Badum" sounds.

He just can't believe his eyes. When Damayanti told her about her previous meeting with Anuja, Satyam never believes in her meaningless banters. He knows about Damayanti's never ending jealousy towards Anuja quite well.

Bur this is truly unbelievable. How come an already dead woman is still standing before him?

Anuja stretches her right hand to him. "Hello, Satya. I never thought you would such shocked to see me back." She says with confidence by flipping her hair with her left hand.

Satyam takes her hand, shakes it and by leaving it, sits down on the same chair with a loud sigh. He is still in great shock.

"Satya, even if you are the member of the Trusty Board of this college, but sitting on the Principal's chair is quite rude, you know." Anuja snaps back with a smile on her face. Her too much confident attitude bewiders Satyam. The Anuja he knows are timid, shy, lucid and dreamy one. This must be someone else.

He clears his throat and asks loudly - "Who are you? You are not Anuja? I mean you can't be. You just can't be."

Anuja smiles again mischievously and whispers softly in his ears - "Why Satya? Just because you know all about her fake death rumours? Or becuse you are the person who tried to burn her alive?"

He looks at her face with jolt. A shiver runs down his vain. If she is not Anuja, then how the hell she knows that Satyam murdered the real Anuja? Who is she? A human being or a ghost?

Anuja smiles again. And she pats on his right shoulder lovingly by claiming this -"No Satya, I am not a ghost. I am as living as you are. If you want the proof, I am ready to prove it. Anytime. By the way" She clearly tells him -"You have another pressing matter to discuss with me. Is not so?"

Satyam stiffens and with a jolt comes out of his trance. He nods his head and says aloud -"You can't dismiss Saransh from this college. Trust Board is against your decision."

Anuja smiles softly and by lifting her right eyebrow slightly utters quite mockingly - "May I know who that honourable member is? Why dont you have the guts to accept that this is all your work, Satya? Are you not tired of your childish games till now?Huh?"

Satyam looks hard on her face. She puts both of her hands on his shoulders and claims - "I also have many ways to convince them, you know." and winked to him.

Satyam does not know what to do next. He can't decide whether this woman before him is real Anuja or not. But he secretly admires to admit that after ages he has ultimately got a toughest opponent like this. And everyone knows that Satyam Singh Raijada loves to play with fire and women.

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