Dr. Sashank

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Dr. Sashank Doshi is trying hard to concentrate on the ongoing situation. He is thinking over and over about this events since months. He is known as an intelligent person and he truly is sharply intelligent. His handsome face is twisting in rage some times and sometimes in fruitless frustrution.

He is actually in mental dillema

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He is actually in mental dillema. He understands the urgency of the entire situation. But he could not decide what to do. Pressure on him is tremendous. He has a family and he has to take its responsibilty. He is actually a very honest person and a great surgeon but mostly due to his honest nature he does not get his due credit in the field of medicine. This legal battle takes a toll on his professional career too. The hospital authority warned him to go on with the flow but not to go against the most influencial family of Bikaner.

But he just could not close his eyes to dishonesty and corruption. He hates the Raijada family from the bottom of his heart. His only sister Anu was in love with Satyam and she had to make a big sacrifice for it. First she had been made pregnant eighteen by him and then all of a sudden dumped, abused and then killed by him. Yes, Satyam Singh Raijada murdered his sister. He had seen it in his own eyes. That monster put on fire on her car first and when she tried to come out he threw her alive on burning fire. That ruthless monster. It was shocking but true. He was one of the several eye witnesses of the brutal murder but he could not help her. Anu, his dearest little sister, whom he loved tenderly, who started learning to walk by clutching his hands, who started to see and hear the world through his eyes and ears, was killed that day. Anu, who was so afraid of fire and burns, was burning alive in front of his very eyes. He could not save her. And with her a part of him was also killed. He tried to call for justice but the former Prime Minister of the State, late Maharaja Pratap Singh, father of Satyam, used all his politcal conncetions to save him. When negotions were useless, he used money to buy evidence and to kill enough witnesses to annul the case and make his son free. "That son of bitch"... Dr. Sashank is ashamed for using this language but not ashamed for cursing Satyam.

And now Satyam has started the same game in the Shivangi rape case

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And now Satyam has started the same game in the Shivangi rape case. Buying evidences, threatening witnesses and even killing some of them. Sashank is well aware of this game. Even now when his only son was abducted and murdered by Satyam's goons, he is not thinking to run off from the battle. This is a battle of justice and he has to fight it. It is his only role and he has to do it. But he wants to save Shivangi. Shivangi's life is in danger. Great danger. She has to live, for Anu's sake, for Pratham's (Sashank's dead son) sake, for the sake of justice, for the sake all tortured persons by that sinister Raijada family.

He is detremined now. He will save her. He could not save Anu, but he has to save Shivangi. He must... He must... At any cost....

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