College In Strike

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"I like to talk to your father." This is the exact word of his  Principal. 

Saransh is looking at her with wide eyes. His hazel eyes ate scanning her every movement. "Why do you want to meet him?" He aks her timidly.

"You know why. You are so famous that I must congratulate him." She tells it to him mockingly.

"You want to tell something bad about him?" He asks her again.

"No, just routine introduction." She tilts her head in her left side and lifts her right eyebrow slightly. Saransh looks at her in awe. He never feels so much attracted to any older woman before. But this is an exceptional case.

He don't know what to do now.  For the first time in his life he feels so utterly helpless before the opposite sex.

Catch Caught Caught

"You are cheating on exam. You should be expelled form college."

The invigilator warns Saransh infront of all faculty members. The Principal madam is sitting erect on her chair with a small smile on her face.

She, Dr. Anuja Doshi, from the bottom of her heart enjoys the defeted look on Saransh's face. Not very easily you can see a Raijada in distress and today is the auspicious day. Saransh due to his over-confidence gave this golden chance by cheating on his medical exam and Anuja is not a fool to let this golden opportunity slip from her grip so easily. She will definitely enjoy this scene till the end but she has to take hold from now onwards.  

"Did you really do this?" She asks now looking straight in Saransh's eyes.

He cannot meet her eyes. In complete silence he, lowering his head, is thinking about his next move.

"In that case I have no other choise left than to expel you from the college. However before that I really want to meet your father very soon." She claims coldly by lifting her right eyebrow slightly as usual. His lowered eyes, raged and distressed face, ears red in embarrasement is quite similar to her own experience and she really likes to see this humilation to be continued further.

He storms out the room. He is too determined to do something. As fast as possible.

Show Time

The angry students are showing their protests agsinst the injustice of the College authority - "Hail the Revolution" (Inqilaab Zindabad).

"Hail the Revolution" Their shouts are roaring everywhere.

"Madam, madam" The PA or personal assistant of Principal, Mr. Bedi, rushes into the room to deliver a message "They wanted to force our hands so that we will not expell Saransh from the college."

"Hmm I know that very well." She clutches the other end of her golden spectacle too tightly in both of her hands and several minutes later instructs him - "Call DCP Pattawardan now. I think we will soon need his help."

Mr. Bedi nods his head in obedience. He has enermous faith on his boss. He knows that this woman is no nonsense type. She has the power to fight against the all powerful Raijada family. Unlike the previous Principal she is die-hard honest and sincere to her post. This protest of the Students Union against her cannot be able to dominate her natural indomitable spirit.

He bows his head once more before closing the door behind him and rushes to his own chamber.A phone call is made to be very soon. Now the dice really starts rolling again. And that is also not in the favor of the Raijadas anymore.

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