A Little Game Plan

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"It is high time for us to make a good plan." Anuja tells Akash this line before describing elaborately her plan to him.

Her brain signals her to rely on this man whose competence is beyond any doubt. Even Sashank admires this qualities in Akash.

Akash is listening attentively her plan and in the meanwhile sometimes runs his hands through his hair or rubs his chin. It is a clear indication that he pays full attention to her.

After she demonstrates her complete plan to him, he very calmly claims -

"It is surely a great plan. But I have a question in mind. Di (sister), do you think that Saransh Singh Raijada will fall for it? I mean, he is no fool at all."

Anuja smiles a small and replies with much confidence-

"I definitely know that. But Akash just remember on think. Even for him this kind of offer is so desirable. A hungry predator will always hunt his or her prey, isn't it?"

Akash runs his hands again through his hair and says - "Yes, I know, but if he already had achieved his goal, why will he ever bother to do that once again??!!"

Anuja signs him to stop by lifting her own right hand and anwers gently with a smile - "Don't worry, Akash. He has to."

Akash looks totally clueless. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out of it except one word repeatedly for twice. "But.. But."

"Relax. And enjoy the late night show."
She affectionately pats on his broad shoulders which forces his mouth to shut at once.

He has enermous faith on this lady sitting relaxedly besides him. He does not know her real identity, but he knows one thing by heart that her life had toughen her most and that kind of toughness is necessary to achieve great success in their battle against injustice.

"Tell me what I have to do." he asks her with new found confidence.

"First put many CCTV cameras into the room. Put one on the flowervase in the bedside table, another on the bedpost, another on the ceiling light, others on the wall clock, LCD TV set, under the sofa set or any chair or table in the room. Oh and don't forget to put some on washroom too."

The suggestion makes his cheeks hot red. He lowers his head to hide it. He asks her timidly - "Are not we actually invading their privacy? I mean both of them are adults."

She, on the other hand, looks at him directly in his eyed and with a very confident voice suggests a valuable information -

Dear Vaiya (yonger brother), this is a war. Don't waste your precious time to think about it. Rise and shine."

Akash hurriedly runs to fulfil her wish. He knows that Anuja must have some brilliant plan in mind and as a soldier he has to follow it.

"Are you mad??!!" Tania stomps her feet in frustration "He is a bloody rapist. Look what he has done to me." She indicates to her own belly which slightly starts growing.

"I know, dear." Her aunt assures her.

"No, you don't. You are never raped like me. She shouted in anger." Due to that bloody hormone, her mood swings more than before.

"Are you sure of that??" Her aunt narrows her eyes.

"What do you mean by that??!!" She asks loudly.

"Then let me confess something. Tani, I am not your real aunt." She says to her in unusually calm voice.

"What??!!! Then who the hell are you??!!" She yells aloud. That bloody hormone.

"I am Shivangi Mathur. And I have another identity too. I am Saransh's mother." Her aunt Anuja delivers the news in the same monotonous tone like her day to day addressing note as a Principal to her college students.

Tania forgets how to breath anymore. What she is talking about??!! How can that be ever possible??!!!

Anuja narrates every details of her life to her neice. From her rape, unwanted pregnancy, complications in life, change of identity everything. She needs to take Tania in full confidence to fulfil her plan. Tania, on the other hand, listens everything very carefully and after that with a big sigh utters just one sentence -

"I can't believe it."

"Neither do I, darling Tani. But truth is stranger than fiction." Her aunt pats on her shoulder.

Tania with another big sigh decides to surrender herself and grumpily replies - "Tell me everything I have to do, according to your plan, Buwi (aunt, Tania always calls Anuja in this way)."

"Dear, you don't have to do anything. But he has." Her aunt smiles brilliantly to her which bewilders her more. Is her aunt in her favor or not??!!!

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