Anuja Comfronts Saransh

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Anuja has to face Saransh as soon as possible. She knows very well it is all his doing. She has to see his reactions too.

That night Anuja goes to meet him at the famous Hindustan Club where he is a permanent member. Saransh is present there from 8 pm and so on.

Dev and Joy are also present there. They are drinking too much since 6 pm. They always drink too much when others' pay for them. Saransh is also with them with a red whine glass in hands but he is not taking any sip.

"You are simply great, boss." Deb tells him proudly. "You teached her a very good lesson. Now none can challenge you anymore."

"Yesss, yes." Joy jumps in happiness more than others. "She will soon be vanished from the college, if not, then becuase then people will laugh on her body." Rolling with laughter he signs vulgarly to a pregnant woman who is walking in distance with the help of her husband to find out a seat. Her huge belly draws attraction to all who are looking to her and even she, with red burning cheeks, herself feels embarrassed by seeing this.

Saransh lifts his left eyebrow in question mode, looks also towards her and after seeing her fruitless search, modestly offers his own seat to her. She thanks her and sits down with some help from him and her husband.

"Joy!!!!" A sudden loud cry of anger shocks Joy and he abruptly stops his laughing.

"Come here." Saransh calls for him.

Joy obediently comes near her seat and silently stands by lowering his head. He knows that now his boss is angry with him so no argument will be allowed.

"Come to me. Or at least lean down." Saransh demands once again.

Joy leans towards him and all of a sudden a loud noise of slap rings in his ears. At the very next minute he feels his left cheek is sore by the hard slap and that slap has come from his boss. His boss, Saransh, slapped him hard on his face.

Joy's eyes get instantly teary in utter humiliation and he by uttering a hurried "Sorry" to the lady runs away from the scene.

Dev is standing as a lifeless doll till now. Suddenly he also realises that running is the best policy for him too and so he also with a great speed bolts towards the main exit door of the club. In that speed he can compete with any champion runner of the Olympic Marathon and can surely win Gold Medal for India. 

"I am really sorry for them, Madam. Don't pay any attention to those clowns." Saransh lowers his head to the lady and her companion, walks away from them and sits down on the farthest eastern corner of the club garden. He needs some time to make a solid fullproof plan. Those two clowns are really irritating and he is not going to entertain them anymore.

But he is so deep in his thought that he fails to notice that someone is already sitting in a chair infront of him.

"So there is a very slim chance of your reform, I see."

His concentration breaks by hearing a soft yet composed female voice and he lifts his eyes to see who the lady is, when he finds out that the lady is none other but Anuja herself.

He looks at her in awe. She stares directly towards in his eyes as if she is trying to read his minds.

"Mom!!!" He murmurs softly.

"No, just Tania's aunt." She replies placidly.

"What have I done now, Mom??!!" He seems to play the innocent card that has no effect on her.

"You yourself knows quite well what you have done to Tania." Her cold voice can chill anyone's bones, but not Saransh's. He is a toughest competetor of her.

"But, Mom, we love each other." His voice seems to be dripped in honey.

"Oh really?" She leans towards him and with a keen conspirative voice whispers softly in his ears -

"Then prove it."

Saransh opens his mouth but no word comes out of it. By gaping his mouth like a fish he is trying to read her mind too.

She smiles softly and whispers again -

"I have booked a hotel room in both of your name. I have paid for the hotel bill in advance. You just have to check in and spend a night together."

"With whom???" He asks.

"Of course, with Tania. Spend a night with her without any quarrel and prove me wrong." She leans back on her chair.

"What I will get by that??" He asks her again.

She admires his sharp brain. He is not only cunning but calculative too. That is a good sign of an opponent and she loves to face such challenge.

"You want to marry her, isn't it? Marry Tania and become the adored son-in-law of the Doshi family. None will touch even a hair of yours. Ok?" She explains superbly.

Now it is his turn to admire her. She can see what is going on in his mind unlike others. Not even his father has that quality.

"Then deal??!!!" She demands to know the answer.

"Ok, deal." Though he shrugs his own shoulders indifferently but inside he is too much excited. To spend another steamy night with Tania is an offer that he never going to miss at any cost.

"But what about Tania?!!!" He demands to know.

"I will manage her and don't worry, she will not opposed to your idea. Not anymore." She gets up from her own chair and stretches her right hand to him to shake. "Then deal final??"

"Yes, final." He takes the hand and shakes it gently.

She turns round and starts walking back to the exit door. He seems lost in thought while she is smiling in her mind -

"Beta (son), if you are my son, then I am your mother. Be prepare for the worst. Battle has just begun."

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