Introducing Akash Mukherjee

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Akash Mukherjee is shivam Singh Raijada's Secretary cum right hand man. But his another identity is kept secret from all. He is the brother of Akanksha Mukherjee Singh Raijada, the decesed wife of Saksham Singh Raijada, the elder brother of these two notorious Raijada brothers. In short Akash is the brother-in-law of Saksham and hence another secret relative and unfortunate victim of the Raijadas.

His childhood memories are totally blur as he could not remember it at all. He just rembered that in Sundays he was taken to the zoos by his father. The whole day he was enjoying the company of animals. What could you expect from a five years old young boy? As a young boy Akash spent his days happily with her family. His family consists of his father and elder sister, Akanksha.

His father was a poor driver but he was very happy go like person. He was also very happy with his small family. He had great hope on his daughter, but little did he know that his hope would be smashed very soon.

Very soon their little happy family was breaking apart. Akash's elder sister, Akanksha, fell in love with her employer's elder son. Pratap Singh Raijada was the boss of Anant Kumar Mukherjee, Akash and Akanksha's father. That Pratap Singh Raijada was the father of three Raijada brothers, Saksham, Satyam and Shivam.

Saksham was the first person who fell head over heals on her. Akanksha was in the denial mode at beginning. But she also fell for him. Even her father, Anant, was against their union, but they eloped together and secretly got married in a "Mandir" (temple). Pratap was furious when he received the news. He never accepted the marriage of Saksham and Akanksha. This marriage in a low caste made his family status detoriated. He was also furious becuse of his urdent fear that if people of his state got the news of this secret union between his elder son, a Prince, with a driver's daughter, then everyone would laugh on his face. The all powerful Pratap Singh Raijada, was not in favor of such humiliation and so he planned to get rid of this problem with his middle son, Satyam. Satyam was too young at that time but was as cunning as his mother and as ruthless as his father. He never at all liked his elder brother, Saksham, with whom everyone compared him too much since childhood. Hence he agreed to take part in this master plan whole-heartedly.

One day when Akash came back from his school, he found the main door of his tiny house left ajar. He peeped inside out of curiosity, but could not see anything. The rooms were too dark. "At around 4 pm of the evening why the doors left open and the rooms dark?" - He was thinking that in his tiny head. Unsatisfied to find any possible answer, he opened the door with a loud sound.


The old rusty main door of his home opened loudly, but nobody came rushing. Usually his sister always came back from her college at this time so also seldom his father. Hence at such situation at least anyone among them would came rushing to him. But that day was different. As a young boy he did not understand what to do. He thought may be some burgler or thief broke into their house. So he grabbed a wooden stick lying ideally over the drawing room cabinet and tiptoed into the bedroom. What he saw there, he never expected at all. His sister was hanging from the bedroom ceiling and his father was lying in the pool of blood at the edge of the bed clutching a revolver in his right hand. He had a bullet hole on his right side of forehead. He stood there motionless wide eyed with mouth agape. Akash even forgot to breath.

Suddenly some poeple rushed into the room and dragged him outside of the bedroom. He fought hard with them but ultimately a six years old boy had to be defeted. They were men from the Police department who rushed on the spot by hearing the news of this brutal murder case. They took the bodies in the ambulance and sealed the house while living this young crying boy all alone. Akash screamed aloud and tried to run after the ambulance, but after some time he fell flat on his face. His ankles, legs and knees were hurt by this fall and bleeding badly, but he never paid attention to it. He was groaning aloud when all of a sudden someone pulls him up gently by clutching firmly on his shoulders. He tried to fight back but stopped at once by seeing none other than his brother-in-law Saksham infront of him. He clutched him tightly and both of them cried their hearts out that day.

Akash's life changed drastically since then. Even though Saksham took him under his wing, but his tiny world was already changed. After Saksham's untimely demise Satyam surprisingly took the responsibilty of his education. After he completed his M.Phil in Mas Com, he started working as Shivam's secretary. Akash was a bright student, he could easily complete his PhD and get a job in any prestigious college. But it was not his goal. Since childhood he was seeking to avenge for his family. He was around six years old when his father and elder sister died, but even his tiny head he was sure that was not at all an accident. The Police closed the case by claiming that his sister committed suicide and his father, being unable to bear this shock, also killed himself. He knew too well since that day that it was a pre-arranged murder. His father was a lefty, then how could he shoot himself in right hand? But the Police never paid attention to his logic.His brother-in-law Saksham also suapected so. He was going to expose the main culprits, but before he was also gone or may be killed too.

Akash is too focused on his mission. He knew by heart who were killers but he did not got any evidence. So he is bound to keep mum.

Another reason behind his silence is that Aksh loves his job and his boss. His employer is innocent as Shivam himself was too young at that time. They are almost around same age. He was just seven years older than him. He may committed a crime himself at his young age but his is not at all a murderer like his father and brother.
Akash is determined to punish the culprit at any cost. But he just have wait patiently for the proper time to attack. However he does not know at all that his waiting is going to end soon.

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