Saransh confronts Shivam

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It is a typical father-son type situation. Saransh is furious of his own father. He had stopped Saransh firing his Principal on the college strike day. Saransh is not happy with his father since then.

"That old hug, always putting nose on my affairs. No son, don't do this, do that. I am fade up of this." He storms into his father's private room.

When he burges into his room, his father is sitting idle at his chair with a picture in his hand. "Dad !!!" When he shouts angrily to his father, he gets no response from him. He leans forward his father's chair, he notices that he is crying. His eyes are full of tears.

"Dad, what are you doing?" He with force snatches the picture from his father's hand. When he looks at it, his breath catches and his stomach makes a summersault. That picture belongs to his Principal. She looks different from now but the sheer resemblance is unmistakable.

"Why, she is my Principal

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"Why, she is my Principal." He looks inquisitively to his father. "You know her?" He asks him but this time more politely.

Shivam does not give any response. He is not in the mood of talking at all now. He is missing Shivangi too much. This is her birthday and like every year each birthday he gave gifts to her picture. He gave her favourite flowers and chocolates every year.

Shivam always misses her nowadays. He sighs hard. Without speaking anything, he is silently leaning on his chair.

Saransh cannot understand anything. He is looking at his father lifting with left eyebrow in question. His father, on the contrary, is not giving any answer.

"Dad, why the hell you are sighing hard looking at her picture?" Saransh asks him.

Shivam sheds tears silently. He is not speaking anything.

"Dad, tell me everything. What is the problem? Why you have her picture?" He utters the question to his father.

"Because..." Shivam's voice falters.

"Please Dad, for God's sake, tell me everything. Why the hell you are holding her picture?" He demands to know.

"Because she is your mother." His fathers response take even Saransh's breath away once more.

His arrogant mood falters. Till now he knows nothing about his mother. He even does not know how on earth his mother left her alone just after birth? What kind of mother is she? How can a mother be so cruel to left her newly born son like this? Does she never have any motherly feeling at all?

 He even does not know how on earth his mother left her alone just after birth? What kind of mother is she? How can a mother be so cruel to left her newly born son like this? Does she never have any motherly feeling at all?

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Saransh's eyes suddenly get moisted for the first time in his life. He starts missing her mother. He looks at his father with teary eyes and all of a sudden shouts at him -

"Why you never tell me about her?"

Shivam is also looking morose. He has nothing to tell to his son. How can he tell him everything? Can he tell him that he raped his mother which made her pregnant against her wish and that is the only reason of her hatred towards Ansh? How can he tell him that his father was a rapist? However he decides to tell everything to him. It is better that he tells him just before anyone else.

"I am responsible for everything." He says to his son.

"How?" Saransh asks him.

"I was so infatuated by her that forced myself upon her." His voice falters once more.

"You raped her??!!!" Saransh shouts again but not in anger but in the excitement.

Without saying anything he nods his head slightly in agreement.

Saransh in excitement catches his father's collar by saying - "How could you do that? How on the earth you could do that?"

Shivam softly touches his son's hand and smiles gently by replying that - "I was a fool. A damn fool."

Saransh then bursts into the tears by clutching his father's knees. He can't control his sobbing anymore.

Shivam puts his right hand over his son Saransh's head and in a soft whispering voice replies to him once again -

"That is the only reason, son, why I always stood against you. I have none to guide me in right way. But you can control yourself even now. Control yourself. Come back. Life does not always give second chance."

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