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Damayanti Singh Raijada, wife of Satyam Singh Raijada and a famous socialite and social worker, is sitting in front of her huge Mahogany dressing table in her own luxurious bedroom. While combing her short trimmed hair she was reflecting on her journey from the road to Raijada mansion. Now she is twisting her diamond Mangalsutra (auspicious necklace with black beads worn by all married Indian women) absent mindedly and admiring her own beauty in mirror.

She had came along a very long road

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She had came along a very long road. She is an orfan who never knows who her biological parents are. Are they alive or dead she does not know and she does not care about it. People around her thinks she is "selfish" but her life tught her to be so. She was brought in an orfanage, run by the missionaries, in Kolkata at a very tender age of three. She hated that life. She hated it till date. She had to awake in 4'o clock at morning. Their prayer session was boring. The breaksfast contained two nearly burned toasts and only one scrambled egg. It was not enough for a growing girl. She had been punished severely several times for protesting to eat. She was always a rebel. Then they had to attend classes till 12. She never liked to read, so she was mostly unattentive to her classes. She only liked Mathematics, it seemed to her fun like solving a zigshaw puzzle. She had sharp head so she was good in it. At 12 lunch was served. Boring dull lunch. Two or three spoonful of rice with one tea spoonful of curry. Only once a week meat or fish was served to the students but their amount was not enough for nourishing the growth of girls. Then the school continued till 4. At evening the girls were paired in a line to show up to the childless couples who came to adopt them. Three days in a week they were also taken to roam around the city. That time felt precious in a small girl's life and Damayanti, like her other friends, enjoyed that evening trip. At 8 they were rushed to their destined bed to sleep. Boring life that she hated from the core of her heart.

She run away from the orfanage at the age of 16. She had to see the outside world. But her journey was not easy. At the end of the day she was crying and begging for help at the over crowded Park Street Metro station for food and money. There she caught attention to a kind-hearted family who took care of her. They legally adopted her too even if they already had two children, one son and one daughter. On that day of adoption she became terribly happy. Yes, she was happy living with them. She was happy to be free. She was happy to be herself. She was happy to breath freely. She was happy to be loved. She was happy to be pampered. She was happy to be rich. Rich clothes and variety of jewelries, luxurious home, decent education: she got everything she dreamt of. She should be satisfied with it. But oh no, not her. Damayanti had sky-high dreams and desires. People called her "arrogant and over ambitious" but she hardly noticed it a bit. The son of the family never liked her but the daughter welcomed her whole heartedly. She treated her as her own biological sister. "That fool" she laughed on her naivity. Nobody could ever feel pity on her like she did, Anu (the real daughter of her adopted parents) did. She was a fool, but a sweet little fool. Yes Damayanti loved her. She loved Anu tenderly like her own sister, like her own flesh and blood, but never allowed even her to block the road of her own progress. There is some secret in everyone's life that not even a sister is allowed to know and she has lots of secrets to deal with. She had dealt with them all alone and that made her strong. Tremendously strong.

Damayanti Singh Raijada smiles again

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Damayanti Singh Raijada smiles again. A smile of satisfaction. A smile of a satisfied woman who gains everything and who snatches everything from everyone in the world. She is successful. She is satisfied. "But is she happy?" No, Damayanti never wanted to be happy, she wanted to snatch others' happiness. She had succeed in that. She is satisfied. Now no one could stop her. No one would be allowed to. She will never, never ever allow anyone.

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