In Labour

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"Ouch" the severe pain on her lower abdomen killing her since the morning. And somehow Shivangi knows in heart this is not a false alarm. Her breath is catching. According to the doctor, she can't give birth normally. It is true. But this is a premature delivery. The baby is coming 15 days before it's due date.

"Aahh.. Ouch.."

With another strong contraction she feels that she is going to loose her consciousness. This throbbing pain is killing her and tearing her apart from inside.

She holds the hand of her doctor who happens to be Dr. Gunjan Doshi. Gunjan is facing the storm along with her since the start and now also she is standing patiently besides her. She tries to comfort Shivangi even though she knows no comfort can ease her pain.

 She tries to comfort Shivangi even though she knows no comfort can ease her pain

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"Don't stop pushing. You have to push hard." Gunjan instructs her. But for Shivangi this process seems so much painful that she screams again.

"Aaahhh. I cant." She grits her teeth in pain and claims - "I simply can't."

A strong gust of pain comes to her and makes her bound to scream aloud. With a loud "Aaaaahhh" sound she collapses on the bed. Her whole body is trembing in exhaustion and agony.

Gunjan holds her hand tightly to give assurance. But she is not listening at all. Most women can't at this stage. The baby inside her seems to be too much restless to come out.

"You have to try hard. Keep breathing and pushing." She instructs her for another time.

But her patient is not doing well. Her condition becomes more and more serious with every passing minute.

Dr. Cooper enters the hospital room with his reports. Patient's vitals are normal and the baby is healthy too.

"The chnged position of the baby makes it quite impossible to have the normal delivery. Hence C-Section is most suitable." He suggests like before.

Gunjan just nods her head in agreement. She has nothing else to do.

Sashank was busy for the operation since morning

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Sashank was busy for the operation since morning. "The baby's position, I am afraid, is still wrong." He informed his wife, Gunjan who looks at him with scared eyes.

"Then?" She demands to know.

"We should operate" He informed her once more.

But it seems that the baby is not at all in the mood of listening. It tries to come out of it's mother's womb all by itself. It does not like to stay inside now even for a minute.

Gunjan wants to rush to alarm her husband but cannot leave Shivangi all alone. Nurses are coming and going. They are all busy. Some are checking her vitals, monitoring her pulse-rate or heartbeats, while others are busy in preparing for impeding operation. In this position Gunjan feels helpless enough.

Shivangi, in the meantime, loses her consciousness once more. This is not a good sign. She should remain awake at this situation. Gunjan threw water on her face several times that bought her awareness back just for some seconds. "Now what can I do to bring her consciousness back?" She whispers to herself when she turns back by hearing a noise.

A person practically rushes to the bed and in a second holds Shivangi tightly in his chest. Gunjan is surprised to see the man's face. Shivam. It is Shivam Singh Raijada, the father of the child and the biggest enemy of Shivangi's.

He hugs her so softly that for a second Gunjan forgets all about everything surtounding them

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He hugs her so softly that for a second Gunjan forgets all about everything surtounding them. Is this the same man who infested this agony on an innocent girl and made her pregnant against her wishes? Is this the same man against whom a rape charge had been issued? How can a guilty man looks so innocent and so mad in love at the same time? Gunjan does not know the answer.

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