Ultra sonography report

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Shivam is looking at the vidoes in awe. The ultra sonography report has been reached to him. It is Sivangi's report. He puts the CD attached to it in the VCR. A tiny looking thing could be seen moving in it. A very tiny one. Is it a human baby? Is it his own? Is it? Suddenly his eyes moisten and wirhin seconds tears are flowing through his cheeks.

He does not believe in the news

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He does not believe in the news. In his heart he knows Sivangi is alive. Call it his intuition or eccentricity, whatever it is but he believes in it. He has no prove at all. But he knows. His love for her just could not make him believe that she could be dead. He is a bad person to her. She must hate her. She must. But she must not leave her like that without saying a word. Her despair, her anger, her frustrution - he could feel all. Just he could not touch her anymore. She is gone now. Forever. Her last words, told on the last day at the court, are still ringing in his ears -
"Chinta mat kijiye hum apko jine nahi denge:aur dariye mat hum ap ko marne bhi nahi denge" (Don't think too much, I will not let you live now onwards: and don't be frightened, I will not let you die now onwards too.)

Oh, how could he show her that he is repenting from that day. How could he say her he is sorry for whatever he has done to her. How could he show her that he is also dead from that day. Now she is so far from him. She has gone now.

Shivam is now resting his head on the bedrest. He closes his eyes. He could not sleep till that day. He could rest. All the nights seem endless to him.

Satyam rests his hand on Shivam's shoulder. Even if Satyam is known to be cunning and ruthless, but he has some soft spot in his heart for this spoilt brother of his. His second step-mother (Shivam's mother) was just 15 years older than Satyam. Shivam is like Satyam's son. He aways treat Shiv as his own son. He could feel for him. But Satyam knows that maintaing a dynasty needs sacrifice, even if it demands its own blood.

But the important question is that how could he? How? 

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