Doshi Family's Next Game Plan

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They are talking with each other. Not a casual talk but they are discussing with each other the next game plan of their battle. It is becoming fierce day by day and the chance of sucess is becoming more grim. They already had lost three significant soldiers and dearest friends, on whom they both had quite high hopes, of their army: Dibakar twenty-three years ago and DCP Angad as well as Avimanyu recently.

"Do you think we have to play that trum card (named "Anuja") now? I mean when clearly Satyam and Damayanti does not believe in her existence?"

Worried Gunjan asks this question to her husband in the same confiding voice like a soldier to her comander. She has a great faith on her husband and hence she is asking directly for his opinion.

Sashank, smoking his pipes, seems lost in thought. Deep inside his mind, he is afraid that their secrets will be out any moment and Anu's life will be in great danger. But he is still proud of his younger sister's achievements. It is not easy to fight against the shrudely cunning and ruthless killers like notorious Satyam and Damayanti Singh Raijadas. And she had done that without batting her eyelashes twice. Then how can tell his wife about his own insecurities?

"But can we afford to loose Anu at the nick of this time? I seriously think she is in great danger." Gunjan leans towards the Sashank's chair and touches his right hand with her own left hand.

This simple touch of his wife wakes up Sashank from his daydreaming session. He sits straight with a jolt with a deep frown. He is clearly very very worried now.

After coming back at evening from their own hospital named Arogya,  whose chains were established in most big metropolitan cities of the entire world in these 23 years with the help of Dr. Cooper (the same Dr. Cooper who helped in Shivangi's delivery), the husband and wife duo are sitting quietly in the vast lawn of their lavish apartment and discussing the future of this battle. Gunjan was more worried than her husband and now she is sucessful in making him  stressed too. 

Sashank is now up to his feet and he starts to walk with a faster speed from one side to another side of his lawn. His wife silently follows him with her eyes. She seems to be waiting to get his answers.

All of a sudden Sashank stops in his track and looks confidently to his wife to speak this -

"I think we should continue. Let's see what will happen in the next."

"But.. But what about the danger?!!!!" Gunjan gasps loudly.

"When the fight has already been started, there is no time to waste in thinking of avoiding it."

A loud shrill yet confident voice just bowls her out and with widely open eyes she notices Anuja's silhouette is walking towards them with smug smile on her face. 

She proudly walks to them and her brother affectionately hugs her shoulders. Anuja with a big huff sound, sits down on her respective chair just beside Gunjan and makes the clearest declaration -

"Vabi (sister-in-law), don't look so much panicked. I have just defeated Satyam today."

Sashank beams to hear the news and indicates to Gunjan to accept her defeat without uttering a single word. Gunjan also bows her head to Anuja in silence.

"Abdul.. Abdul.." Anuja calls their servant loudly.

He rushes to the spot. Abdul, a mere boy of 19, he is ever ready to makr his Anu Buwa (aunty) happy.

"Please bring me a cup of tea, Abdul. My throat is quite sore by constant banters all day along." Anuja instructs him politely.

For the polite and gentle nature of Anuja, everyone around her including the servants, adore her too much. She is universal 'aunty' to all of them with whom they can share their own problems without any hesitation. 

So with a curt nod of head, Abdul runs to the house to instruct the cook to brew a special tea for Anu aunty.

"We can't continue to fight with dry throat and empty stomach. Can we?" She asks her sister-in-law by nodging her with her own elbow. Gunjan just makes a pouty face in response and Sashank lets out a loudest roar of laughter. After Avimanyu's untimely demise, just now they got a chance to be merry and they are not in the mood of wasting it.

Akash joins them and conveys a very valuable information to them.

"I have to give a good news, Sir." He addresses Sashank first and then just after that looks expectantly to others. By receiving Anuja's and Gunjan's silent encouragement he continues on by saying this - 

"Satyam Singh Raijada is in doubt about Anuja's death. He still can't decide whether she is alive or dead when he left her in the burning car. And more of that, even Damayanti starts to be dubious about it. She feels that Anuja's ghost is hunting her and trying to snatch away her husband."

They all burst into a hearty roar of laughter and Gunjan does not forget to add her own comments on it - "Tit for Tat" in between this laughter.

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