Jatin Joins Hands With Anuja

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SI Jatin Deshpande is bowing his head infront of her so deeply that she feels helpless to control her laughter.

"Come on." She claims with a hearty laugh. After many years she was seen laughing like this.

Actually DCP Angad Pattwardhan and his friend Avimanyu Rawat's untimely death shook hard her determination. But she is not so naive now. Her life taught her to be hard as a nail. She had come a long way. Now in no way she can stop herself.

Yesterday there was a slight fight with her brother, Sashank, about the next staetegy. He wanted to stay put in this crucial time. The enemy should enjoy his win for some time before the next attack, according to him. But Anuja is not convinced at all. She also wants a fast action. But Sashank is not at all in mood of listening. He does not want the same fate of Avimanyu for Anuja too.

Anuja was thinking the way of getting rid of this problem, when a ray of hope shines instantly. Jatin comes to meet her that morning when she is sitting alone in her lawn.

Jatin, in his theatrical style, salutes her with a deep bow by saying it aloud -

"I have seen so many great men (Maha purush), but never a great lady (Mahiyasi nari) like you, Madam."

Jatin Deshpande's thetrical style of delivering dialogues along with the hilarious facial and body expressions make her burst into a hearty laughter in an instance.

"Okay, I will take you under my wings. But please step out." She says to him by suppressing her smile in her white handkerchief.

Jatin tells her everything about DCP's death. Anuja rubs her chin in thought while thinking. She understands everything clearly. Satyam Singh Raijada is clearly behind this murder. May be behind Avimanyu's untimely death Satyam has to do something. But her dilemma is deep. How can we prove it?

Jatin solves the problem instantly. "Madam, secretly I send both of the dead bodies into autopsy. Actually I have a relative who did that for me. From the dead particles of DCP sir (nothing remains left much of DCP Angad's body after that severe bomb explosion) nothing foul has been found. He was instantly dead when the bomb exploded. But editor sir had been shot from point blank range before his body was burned down."

Anuja's whole body stiffens for a moment or two. And then she looks at SI Jatin Deshpande in pleased face. By stretching her right hand to him she says him in congratulatory voice -

"You have proved your own mettle. Welcome to our family."

Jatin takes her hand and with blushing face shakes it timidly. Now he can perfectly see why a rough and tough person like DCP Angad fell for her. She is charming beyond words. Sharply intelligent, fiercely powerful, diehard honest yet cunning as a fox. Beauty with brain is the most rarest combination in any woman. And Anuja Doshi is one among billions.

He secretly bows down his head again before her. Now he is totally sanguine that he can avenge his beloved DCP sir's murder with ease. Not everyday you can get an ally like Anuja.

"Then what you instruct me to do, Madam?" He asks her in hurry.

She smiles softly and pats on his arm by saying this -

"Inspector, you have to learn to be patient now. This is not the proper time to strike."

Jatin looks at her in awe. His brain fails to understand the inner sense of her message.

She lifts the teacup with her right hand and before taking a sip utters very calmly -

We have to wait for tracing the weak point of our opponent. In this war when we can do that, mind it, we will be on the winning track once again."

Jatin does not understand it even now. But he comprehends one thing very clearly that now onwards he has to follow her commands as only she can see the upcoming future unlike others. From now on everything is going to be alright.

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