Introducing Avimanyu Rawat

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Avimanyu Rawat is the honourable yet die hard hinest editor of the newspaper named "India Today" at Bikaner region. He has another identity too. He is also a fellow fighter of Sashank and Anuja. He is also infatuated with Anujas enchanting beauty, but being a poor newspaper man never get any proper chance to admit his newly blossomed ferlings to her. And now it seems impossible as Anuja is practically engaged to DCP Angad.

He is working hard day and night for this newspaper since he joined it at 22. He neither thought to get retired from it, nor to be engaged with any girl in real life. However Avimanyu is quite hansome man and had many decent female admirers then. His dark complexion with a head full of curly wavy black hair and big black eyes give him a dreamy look. Most girls like him for it. His tall, dark and handsome looks gained score to many brides father in his younger years, but he was so much obsessed with his job that he never gave it a proper thought at all. So even in 50 years age he is still bachelor, but not happy. He was very happily married to his job before the appearance of Anuja in his deserted life. Now at this age he starts to dream about her which is quite embarrasing for him.

His life story is really nothing extra ordinary. He is the fifth child and only son of his parents. All four of his sisters are very happily married and well settled in their own lives. He is not from an affluent family like DCP Angad, but their friendship overcome this social burden with ease.

Avimanyu Rawat, sitting on his revolving chair, is exhailing ciggerate smokes through his own mouth. He is a chain smoker. At least ten packet of ciggerate is necessary for him. Butts of ciggerates can be seen scattered here and there on his desk. Today is also another busy day. He is struggling with tomorrow's cover page report and cursing the writer under his breath, when his junior Sahil bolts into his room and declares happily - "Sir, Sir, we have found a scoop."

Avimanyu narrowes his eyes in suspicion. A scoop? Is it a joke or something?

He asks his junior - "What scoop?"

Sahil dashes to his senior's chair and whispers something softly in his ears. Avimanyu's whole expression changes and he shouts aloud - "Tell the printing department, I am writing the new the cover story. Give me just two hours."

Sahil nods his violently and dashes out of the room. Taking the burning cigerrate on his left hand, he leans over his table to write another fresh cover story. The headline of it sounds like this -

"Satyam Singh Raijada In Serious Jam"

DCP Angad is sitting infront of his long time friend Avimanyu for two hours now. They are eating together merrily. He is here to congratulate his friend on the overwhelming sucess on his new cover story. He thrusts a big slack of evidence in the form of a fat file to Avi (Avimanyu's petname) who kept it locked inside the office locker with safety. Other two copies of the same file has been secretly sent to two other fellow fighters - one to Anuja and another to Sashank. Angad is no fool. He knows Satyam too well. Anytime that nasty man can make a fatal blow on him. So just for urgent precaution, Angad took this big step. He can not believe even his own seniors now. All are sold to Satyam. His enemity with Satyam is now legend even in police line. He is giving evidences in the court against him. The next hearing date is one week later. Satyam will definitely go to any length to stop his enemy's mouth forever.

Avimanyu, with mouth agape, looks hard on his friends face. "If you are so much afraid, then why don't you take some extra police protection for your security?" He asks him.

Angad just shrugs his shoulders in defeat. "No use, Avi. All are sold. I trust nobody in my line." He says coldly.

Avimanyu looks more puzzled now. "If you can't believe in your own department, how can you trust others, Angad?" He demands to know.

Angad looks at him with a soft smile in face. "We, at the police line, know quite well that our times are limited. I can feel that too, Avi." He replies.

"But... But" Avimanyu tries to open his mouth in protest, but before that Angad puts a hand over his shoulders and says - "Let us see the brighter side, Avi."

"What brighter side?" Avimanyu asks him angrily.

"You will have a chance to win over Anuja's heart, if I am gone." DCP Angad tells him in a cheerful voice.

Avimanyu blushes hard. His ears and cheeks turn hot red by this sudden mention of Anuja.

"Now, come, come. Don't look so much embarrassed." Angad mocks him suppressing a smile.

Avimanyu wants to smack his friend hard on his stomach. Who can make a joke about his own death like this? But Angad is just like that. Always in joking mood in even the most crucial situation. He blushes again little knowing about that this happy friendly hours will end soon.

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