Sivangi's Disapperance & Fake Death News

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Sivangi is looking in disbelief towards Sashank. What is he saying? Is it at all possible?

"You lost the legal battle. Even I am at the verge of losing my own job for supporting you in your fight."

Sashank's declaration makes her weak from within. So unjustice wins over justice. Her eyes soaks with tear. She feels that her knees are unable to take her weight anymore. She wants to cry loud, but she could not. All of a sudden she loses her ability to cry. She looks at him in bewilderment.


The question comes from behind her. Gunjan has asked this valid question. This is the only sensitive question to be asked for at this situation.

"You have to leave this town as soon as possible."

Dibakar declares it in his usual cool and composed manner.


Sivangi asks to know.

"Your life is in great danger. Raijada's never left any of their enemies alive. Be it Akanksha or Anuja. This time it's you."

Dibakar exclaimes in his own placid manner.

"What to do then?" Now it's Gunjan's turn to ask another valid question.

Neither Sashank nor Dibakar reply. Pin-drop silence in the room.

"You want me to run away?" Sivangi asks them both.

Sashank, at this point, stretches out his left arm and put the palm of that hand on her head by citing -

"Kurukhshetra has been started and you are both Arjun and Krishna here. We could not afford to lost you Sist".

Dibakar is nodding his head on agreement. Gunjan, as usual, is calm and composed. She is not very talkative and in this fight she always blindly obeys whatever order her husband gives. She loves him but most importantly she trusts him a lot. She relies on the cool and calculative brain of her husband.

Sivangi looks at all of them. They all are standing like stone sculptures without showing any tint of emotion. But she knows that is only deception. These are the only persons whom she could trust blindly. She sighes and says -

"As you wish Vai (brother)."

So they planned everything together. At midnight Gunjan departs with Sivangi. Destination unknown. Nobody knows where. Except only Dibakar and Sashank.

At morning Sivangi is seen missing

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At morning Sivangi is seen missing. Her servants report in the police. A missing report has been lodged. Search party has been sent everywhere. The whole city becomes overly curious about this. Everybody wants to know about the cause of her mysterious disappearance and also about her current whereabouts. Two days after a deadbody of an unknown girl has been discovered by police. Her face is unidentifiable but she wears the same ring in her middle finger that Sivangi always wears. Her height and complexion are also matching to her. She is also five months pregnant like her. Upon these circumstantial evidences and with the assistance of her personal maid Maya's evidence she has been declared dead. Doctor gives the death certificate by identifying it as a case of drowning. So legally now Sivangi Mathur is dead. But is she at peace? I am afraid not.

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