Damayanti Met Anuja

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Damayanti is hamming happily while driving her car. Today is her birthday and since morning she had received several good news. Debansh, her son, got his MBBS degree and now has been recruiting as a Neuro Surgeon in New York Hospital.

She is very happy today. She touches her hairs softly with her right hand and smiles broadly. Only a proud mother could smile like this. Her car is parked on the signal when all of a sudden she saw her. Anuja...

Damayanti opens and closes her mouth like a fish for several times. No, that can't be. That must not be Anuja. How can she be alive? She in her own hands burnt Anu alive. When Satyam tried to burnt down Anuja along with his own elder brother Saksham, she was still alive. Saksham was spot dead by gunshot that aimed him by his own beloved brother Satyam. Anu sat on the car with a puzzled look on her face when Satyam cursed her and spat on her face by calling names. "You filthy bitch, you characterless woman, you prostitute, how dare you to ditch me with my own brother?" That was his exact line. Damayanti was also present there in the scenario along with her brother Sashank, but she was afar. Like that fool foster brother of her, she did not dive in the plot and run towards Satya to stop him. Sashank did that exactly and was caught red handed by the hired goons. They beat him to death. Before his own eyes he saw Satyam pushing Anuja inside the car, locking the door and putting on fire all over it. The engine burst with a loud noise and Sashank with a helpless cry fainted. "Nooo" - That was his exact word before fainting.

Damayanti, on the contrary, was admiring the situation. It was she who encouraged Anuja to consult Saksham about the indifference of Satyam's attitude, who poisoned Satyam's mind against Anuja by constantly bluffing about her infedality and planning this murder with him. Even it was she who informed Sashank beforehand so that he would never suspect her involvement in the crime. Her criminal mind set warned her to be involved physically. So she was just present there. But after that when Satyam and his goons left by dragging the senseless body of Sashank, it was she who begged the mercy for her brother's life to him. Anuja was senseless in shock at that time. Her pregnant body made her helpless and she could not cope with the fierce violence she saw beforehand. But when the burning sensation touched her skin, she with a sudden jolt came out of her trance and tried to open the lock. It was Damayanti who pulled the trigger on her forehead to make her death more sure. That was a day when all of their fate was determined and whenever after that Damayanti remembered that day, she always roared into a satisfied laughter.

Then how can it be possible that she is still alive? She saw fear and surprise in Anu's big shocked green eyes that day. She saw her lifeless body to roll over the seat by her very own eyes. Then how? How can it be?

That woman whom Damayanti is seeing now, on the contrary, is sitting at the passenger seat of another BMW car and is going on reading some book. She is not at all noticing anything outside her car. Her red hair is glowing and so also her face. Her green sparkling eyes and long eyelashes make her look beautiful as usual. She absent mindedly bats her eyelashes several times, that she always prefered to do before. Her batting eyelashes, her patting on the hair and twisting some locks with her right hand, her absent mindedness - all are just like Anu's. They all were the character traits of Anuja's who loved to live on the world of fair tale much more than the reality. She seems agitated by sudden ringing of her mobile. She is seen to receive the call with a polite "Hello" when the signal starts and with a loud "Hush" sound, her car drives away and disappers in the left of the flyover, where all of the cars were waiting till now, within a second. Even her voice resembled that of Anu's, which she luckily can hear clearly because both of their cars are standing side by side and also becuse both of their car windows are open.

Damayanti gasped in shock. She can't believe what she is just saw. Her biggest nightmare is becoming true. Her worst enemy, her own sister, has come back to snatch her Satya from her.

Damayanti fails to notice that on the other hand that woman resembling Anuja is now sitting straight on her seat and is smiling on her mobile. She is sayimg to someone on phone -

"Vai (brother), the battle has begun just now."

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