Introducing Inspector Jatin Deshpande

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Senior Inspector Jatin Deshpande is a beloved collegue and follower of Inspector Dibakar Rai who was then brutally murdered in the hands of Satyam Singh Raijada. Jatin was very young at that time who loved to reamin in his shadow. Dibakar's death was a fatal blow on his young mind.

Now he is the urdent follower of DCP Angad Pattwardhan. DCP Angad has only one flaw, he is die-hard honest man and does not how to pretend about it. Jatin nods his head in great dispointment and runs both of his hands through his wavy black hair.

Suddenly he got an urgent call on his intercom. He receives it urgently and when hears his Senior's voice, he  salutes him even in phone. 

"Sir" He says by saluting him.

DCP Angad is on the other end of the call. He tells him -"Rush to my office. Now."

Jatin runs out of his own chamber and suddenly remembers that he is still holding the receiver. He dashes into the DCP's office and salutes him fiercely.


DCP Angad smiles by seeing panting and huffing Jatin before his very eyes.

"There is no time to loose. We have to go to the Santi Devi Medical College as soon as possible. We get a golden chance to arrest a Raijada." He claims confidently.

Jatin opens and closes his mouth like a fish several times. His brain fails to comprehend the whole situation. He looks hard on his Seniors face and claims timidly -

"Sir, you are a great human being (ap purush nahi, mahapurush hain)."

This is his signature sentence that he always use whenever he is utterly overwhelmed by anything or anyone.

They rush to the spot. The Medical college campus is still on the fire. The place is gathered by several protesting students. They are shouting aloud -

"Hail the Revolution. Anuja Doshi go back. Saransh is our hero. Hail (zindabad) Saransh."

The whole place is pandemonium. The angry mob is getting out of control. Gallons of the police officials come rushing to the spot. The police tries to control them by slightly charging sticks on them. But the scene is geowing more fierce.

DCP shrugs his shoulders in great dispointment. The situation is not going according to his plan. Till now Saransh Singh Raijada did not show his face at least once. Then how can he arrest him?

Jatin also, standing afar from DCP, thinks the same. He has heard many rumours about that notorious playboy Saransh, but never got a chance to meet him. Today he thought his long cherished dream to meet with that "Mahapurush" will come to be true. But alas, he sighs deeply. Perhaps he has to wait more. Little did he know that his dream is going to be true in next few hours. 

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