Death Claims One More

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This death is untimely but absolutely necessary. Within two days another news covers the front page of all the newspapers and becomes headlines for next few days afterwards -

Accidental Death of Promising Editor Avimanyu Rawat

India lost her True Son

Unfortunate death of an Editor

Avimanyu lost the Last Battle

A Just Voice has been stopped forever

The entire state of Bikaner is shaking in fear. Now everybody suspects who is behind it, but nobody dare to open his or her mouth. The murder has been covered up beautifully as an unfirtunate accident by the police. Everybody knows that Avimanyu was an avid smoker and he worked late in his office. The police conludes that at the time of this incident he was all alone in his big office writing down his next installment of the cover page article while smoking heavily. A fire had caught silently from the burning ciggerate and spread heavily within a second. As all the ingredients used to print a newspaper are combustible in nature, so in an instance a small spark transforms into a very great fire and burned down Avimanyu along with his office. Hence they close the file by giving the report of

Unfortunate Accidental Death

But the actual fire of hatred and rage Avimanyu spread in people's heart against the notoeious Raijada family starts to burn secretly

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But the actual fire of hatred and rage Avimanyu spread in people's heart against the notoeious Raijada family starts to burn secretly. Many person comes forward secetly and murges with the Doshis. They all are victims of that family in some manner and they wants revenge. They all accept Sashank as their commander and Anuja as their chief advisor. In this way a secret army is established now ever ready to join in this battle of justice against injustice. This army now has got two secret code words; when in attacking mode they will scream "Avimanyu" and in defensive mode they will yell "Angad". In this manner they can identify each other as thier identities is being kept hidden by the commanders from all. 

In this above way like Avimanyu of Mahabharat this Avimanyu also sacrificed his own life in the battle of justice and paved the road of success with his own blood.

Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction

Satyam is now in better mood than ever. Two of his enwmies are dead along with thier evidences. Nobody can know that it was he, Satyam Singh Raijada, who sneaked into Avimanyu Rawat's office, punched him hard to knock him out of his senses, later traced his file of evidence from the office locker and burned it down, then shot unconscious Avimanyu from point blank range and put on a fire on him and his office by throwing kerosene on both.

He is satisfied with the outcome of his job. He does not trust his own goons now. He has to kill that man who fix time bomb under DCP Angad's car immediately after his death and to give a handsome amount to his family to keep mum. He does not want to spend his fortunate on this case.

He pours down wine and drinks it in one gasp. The liquor is soothing down his nerves now and his brain starts working more accurately.

On the other hand, in the lavishly decorated modern bedroom, his own brother Shivam sits still clutching his hair with both of his hands. He knows everything, suspects everything but can't stop anything. He is too helpless. Satyam had threatened to kill Anshu (Shivam calls his son Saransh in this name) and Shivam does not want to loose the last sign of Shivangi from his life. Saransh is his mother's only gift to him, his only child, his only hope to live on. Shivam does not want to loose his only child even if he is dead against all this murders. He even warned his brother by telling this -

"One day you will surely get your long due punishment, Vai. Everybody has to. If I got it, then you will also get it. May be later, but you must."

His brother just lifts his eyebrow in amusement and answers calmly yet coldly to him -

"Let's see that. Remember one thing. For you this battle begun. Don't deny it now, Shiv. Hope you will remember that. Forever."

How can Shivam forgets that? Satyam is right. Shivam is the main reason of this battle. But now he feels helpless like Karna who does not know how to end it. But he will try to stop it. Even at the cost of his own life.

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