Introducing DCP Pattwardhan

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DCP Pattwardhan is an honest man. A man of 55, he was one of the best candidate of Rajasthan cadre. He scored highest among all his batch-mates. But he has a deficiency: he is very honest. That is the reason behind his constant struggle with the corrupt politican like Satyam.

When Anuja came back from abroad, a lavish party was organised in her house. There Sashank, her brother, introduced her with DCP Angad Lal Pattwardhan. In the very first glance he became quite mesmerized not only by her beauty, but also by the razor sharp intellect of hers. Beauty with the brain is the rarest combination to see even in nowadays. Hence he felt so much drawn to her.

He roamed around her at that party like a little lost poppy. He spend most of that evening following her. She smiled at him and he felt butterflies in his stomach even at this age.

Avimanyu, Avimanyu Rawat, another candidate, was also follwing her at that party. But they did not get any chance to talk with her.

But he is in dilemma now. Till today he did not feel any need to be married or to be engaged. He is happily married with his work till now. But the scenario is different now. He wants to get engaged and eventually to be married with her.

He talked with Sashank and asked his advice in this regard. Sashank, a fellow fighter of this battle against injustice, in this 20 years became his close friend.

Sashank also wants their union. The union between a Police Senior Official and his sister seems desirable to him.
But he wants to know about Anuja's reaction too. Anuja's agreement is also necessary.

Suddenly his mobile rings. He pulls the receiver of his landline phone. He takes it and talks in it absentmidedly - "Hello".

He sits straight. Anuja is on the other end of the call. He bluses deep. His cheeks and ears get blood red.

"Hello DCP saab."

"Yes speaking." He blabbers.

"Anangad, I need your help. I am struck inside the Principal's office." She sounds cool but he, on the other hand, seems worried.

"What happened?" He asks worriedly.

"Our college is in strike. The students are in demand of not to expel a boy who was caught redhanded cheating in exam." She claims too calmly.

"Who the hell is he? Member of the Student Union perhaps?" He asks.

"Yes. The Secretary himself. But he has another identity. He is one of the notorious Raijada. Saransh, Sivam Singh Raijada's only son. Worst than his own father." She seems apologetic in tone.

Now DCP Anagad seems to be more worried than ever. He is now worried about Anuja's security.

"I am coming as fast as possible." He drops the phone on the receiver with a loud noise and puts on his uniform. He then calls his favourite officer SI Deshpande. Pattwardhan has great faith on his junior. Deshpande looks dumb but, in mind, is quite sharp. And DCP needs his assistance. Greatly.

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