Leap Of 5 Years: Shourya

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She is admiring the beauty of the drawn picture on her small hall. The picture was stuffed in her attic that she recently discovered and was so drawn to its beauty that she cannot let herself stop to hang it up.

The picture is quite simple yet very artistic

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The picture is quite simple yet very artistic. It enhances the beauty of the wooden wall of her small hall.

Her home is on hillside. She stays just with her younger brother. Her young sibling is not so young in age, but he never dared to be indulged with any woman in his life except his sister. He loves her dearly and dotes on her. She feels sometime that to her brother she is younger than him. His brotherly overprotective nature is the main reason behind it.

Her brother co-owns a tea estate here - Makaibari Tea Estate. His patner lives abroad while he efficiently looks over every single details of this estate. His fourteen years of experience of working as a Private Secretary of an influencial man helps him a lot in this endeavor.

She sighs hard . She just loves to play with children very much. The three sons of their sevants, Abdul and Maya, are her pearls of eyes. Their names are - Hamid, Amish and Krish. Hamid is five years old while Amish and his younger brother are just three and two respectively. She tries to convey the necessity of getting married to her brother so often, but all the times he just dodges the topic by grinning foolishly. She hates that but she loves him tenderly.

She is putting on her shawl. At the noon time, when the Darzeeling Mall area will be somewhat empty from the hustle and bustle of the roaming tourists, she always takes a walk with those three children. She just loves to do that.

"Dadi (Grandmother), are you coming with me??" Hamid asks her.

Before she can nod her head to him, his brother Amish clutches her legs in his tiny hands by saying -

"No. She will go with me."

Krish, the youngest one, makes a sad and pouty face. He loves to ride in her laps most. He dreams to marry Dadi one day after getting older of course. He stretches his hands to her and she understands his demands. She takes him in her lap gently and kisses his pink cheeks. He nests his head on her shoulder. His cheeks are hot redder in embarrasement.

She moves out of the house with those three toddlers with her. Maya stands behind her to wave them.

Hamid and Amish hop to the sloppy hill roads with ease, while she follows them.

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