Damayanti Confronts Anuja

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Damayanti Singh Raijada is restless till the first day she met Anuja at road. She wanted to find out desperately the identity of that unknown woman she saw from her car window. Could she be Anuja?!!! But how can it be ever possible at all??!! She killed Anuja in her own hands. Then how can she come back defeating death??!!! Could anyone defeat death like this???!! She is going to be insane if she does not discover the answer as soon as possible. She can't leave her Satya at any cost for whom she got imvolved in this bloody murder game. She called her associates to get any kind of information about that strange lady. They informed her Anuja Doshi came back from abroad and took the charge of the same Medical College where Saransh is studying.

"Disgusting !!!" She snorts her nose to show her protest. She decides to end the battle now.

She calls her sister Anuja from her own mobile.

"Hello, I am waiting for you. Come sharp."

Anuja puts down the receiver with a thud sound and with a gentle smile on her face. She also wants to face her foster sister now. Damayanti is also in her hit list just like she is in her hit list too.

"Are you sure that you should face her now?" Gunjan asks Anuja.

"Yes, I am dead sure." She assures her worried sister-in-law.

She called Rohan, Jatin and Akash for her assistance. Jatin assures her to come to her aid as fast as possible. With Rohan and Akash Anuja plans everything.

When she enters into the scene, she notices that Damayanti is standing tall with a smug look on her face with her appointed goons.

"Hello, Sist, nice to see you again." She tells Anuja.

Anuja, on the other hand, walks alone from the car with a pleasant look on her face.

"Are you happy to see me alive?" She asks her.

Damayanti laughs aloud in suprise. She threatens Anu in a shrilled voice -

"I don't know how you survived. But today you are not going back alive from here."

She points a gun to her smugly.

"If you want to use that gun, then why these hired goons are here? To play with you?!!" Anuja laughs on her sister Damayanti on face

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"If you want to use that gun, then why these hired goons are here? To play with you?!!" Anuja laughs on her sister Damayanti on face.

Damayanti grits her teeth and puts her index finger on the trigger of her gun. But she makes a delay of just one second. Before dropping her own eyelashes, her gun shoots out of her hand. She looks truly bewildered and when she stares at Anuja, she notices another gun in her right. A ring of smoke is coming out of her pistol. Anuja is looking great with the pistol in hand and blowing a kiss through it.

 Anuja is looking great with the pistol in hand and blowing a kiss through it

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Damayanti is staring at her in total disbelief. This can't be true. This can't be Anuja at all. Anuja never knows how to hold a pistol.

"Who are you? You can't be Anu !!!" She shouts on the woman standing infront of her.

"Why? You think only you know how to use guns to kill others? Only you have the experience of killing?" Anuja says coldly to her.

"What are you saying ??!!!!" She yells again.

"I am saying that don't feel yourself too much lucky that your crimes are still remaining unpunished." Anu says to her.

"Who will punish me??? You ??!!!" Damayanti bursts into a big roar of laughter. Tears comes out of her eyes while smiling.

"Dont feel so high of yourself, Damu. I have a secret weapon (Brahmastra) in my hands." Anuja tells her coldly.

"What is it?" Damayanti asks her.

"What, no, ask who?" Anuja tells her.

"Okay, tell me who?" Damayanti now demands to know more from Anuja while still laughing hard.

"Your husband, Satyam." Anuja coldly replies her sister.

Damayanti's laughter comes to an end abruptly. With a big hiccup, she looks at Anuja with wide eyed. Now she comes to realize why Satyam told her "Beware of her. She is the worst foe that we had ever faced." His warning rings on her ears aloud till now.

With open eyes she notices Anuja now reaches for her car door handle and opens it with her free left hand while holding the gun still in her right hand pointing to Damayanti's heart. Then her car's engine starts with a boom sound and it drives away from their meeting spot.

"You bitch, cone back. Come back. At once." By saying this aloud Damayanti sprints towards her but in vain. Her car is long gone now.

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