Damayanti: The Defated One

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"Why did you do this!!!!!"

He tossed the phone angrily from the mantelpiece and it comes out with the cord from its plug.

Damayanti lowers her head in shame. She wanted to make him proud. But the attempt failed to hit the target. Shivam's life was spared and the assasin got caught red handed. This is enough reason for her husband to get angry.

She sighs hard. Now Satyam will not loose any chance to look down upon on her.

"I beg you to do one thing, can you?" Her husband asks her with greeted teeth.

She nods her head. She is no fool to make him more agitated.

"Don't do anything." He orders and grabs the flowervase from the end table and smashes it too. Damayanti knows Satyam quite well. He is not that man who can accept defeat easily. Hence this kind outbrust is quite typically natural of him.   

She has to stay quite now. She flews here and tries to give him surprise by assisting him in assassinating Shivam. But just her bad luck, she failed once more. She is defeted but not broken. She will wait for the next chance. She has to.

Strange Assasination

The assasin, who was cught red handed, has been interrogated by the Lodon Police but he keeps mum till now. His origin is Chinese and he pretended to be ignorant of English. That was a good trick indeed. In answering every question asked to him, he remained either silent or murmured in Chinese. The police found it hopeless and stopped the routine interrogation.

That man lies in his bed on jail in happy mood. He was taken to be an ordinary buggler, not a murderer.  So no attempt to murder charge had been charged against him. At this rate he will soon be free and rush to his pregnant wife. But he does not believe in Karma neither on fate.

At the dead of midnight the roommate of his, a man of 40 with striking figure and long beard, comes down tiptoed and within a second by pulling out the knife from his pocket thrusts it inside his chest aiming the heart. With great pain he opens his eyes to see that he is slowly bleeding to death. He tries to open his mouth to scream for help but just before that his assasin cuts open his throat. Blood poures down heavily all over the floor and the assassin get his instant punishment.

When at the morning the jail gurds rush to their room they find two dead bodies in the pool of blood. One's throat is cut open with a knife on the chest while another's stomach has been slashed open by another sharp knife. They suspected a fight between inmates that was quite regular in prison of any country and bury the bodies along with their files.

Once again Satyam's mastermind wins over all odds.

Accepting Defeat

Damayanti sits still once again before her husband, Satyam, who with a nasty smirk on face is drinking beer. His extremely hadsome face with such smirk has been transformed into a face of the devil in an instance. She knows this is the night that he will celebrate his win and her defeat continuously by drinking alcohol whole night.

She stretches her hand and touches his hand softly. "Don't drink too much, Satya." She protests.

He shrugs his shoulder and slaps her hand by yelling - "Who the hell you think you are? Just a wife, so be it." With this he drinks whole glass in one gasp.

"You are hurting yourself. Too much liquor is injurious for your health." She tries to reason with him "Don't you want to live anymore?"

With a jolt he stiffens on the spot. And then with painful voice utters his answer - "True Satyam was already dead."

Dead?!!! Dead?!! What he is taking about? She looks bewidered and with wide eyes stares hard at him.

Satyam gets up from the chair. He goes to the mantlepiece and takes a picure lying there in hands. He with disgust in voice spits harshly -

"Three women!!! Just three women ruined my life. My mother, my lover and..." Pointing towards her he claims once more "My wife. My dearly beloved wife. You. You... My wife."

Ha...Ha.. Ha... He is laughing again. Not a laugh of joy, a laugh of a sinical mad man who fears nothing and left nothing in life.

Damayanti is dissapointed. She is disapointed in herself. Even though she can be her husband's partner of crime, but deep down her heart she knows she will never be his life partner. Even after producing a son for him. He would always be Anuja's. Anuja is still in between them. Her shadow will always overshadow her. She will always be compared with Anuja by Satyam. In the past Damayanti was sucessful to snatch Satyam out of Anu's hands, but she could not appeal to his heart. In his heart Anuja would always be alive. Forever. She will just be his wife. A troffey wife. That's all.

 That's all

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