Shivam on Holiday

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Shivam is sitting at his bed. He is in no mood to talk with anybody. Not especially with his brother after hearing his conversation with his wife. Satyam is planning to kill Sivangi?!!! How could he?!!!

All of a sudden he decides what to do. He wants to follow Sashank. He knows by heart that Sashank is the only person who knows her address. He just has to watch his every movement. He has to reach to Sivangi at any cost.

He comes to the work chamber of Satyam and declares - "Vaiya (brother)
I need a vacation. I want to go abroad."

Satyam smiles. To kill Sivangi he has only one obstacle to pass on and that is his own brother, Shivam. Now he himself wants to get out of his ways. That is the opportunity for lifetime.

"Where?" Satyam is inquisitive.

"Anywhere. London, Paris, Switzerland." Shivam replies not looking at his brother's eyes. He is just uncomfortable.

Satyam watches him with interest. Whenever his younger brother does not look at him, it means he is hiding something. But what?

"Hmmm... Okay." Satyam says.

Shivam gets up from the chair.

Satyam stops him by putting his arm on his shoulder. Shivam stiffens by this touch. He knows his brother's touch. It means he guesses something.

"What vaiya?!!!" He wants to know looking straight in his brother's eyes this time.

Satyam smiles. "Nothing. Just wish you good luck."

Shivam just nodds his head in agreement before departing from the room.

Satyam is in deep thought. His brother is upto something. He has to keep now onwards a good look on his every movement. He has to employ someone behind him. He has to.

Damayanti comes in the room and sits down in front of her husband's chair. He does not notice at all. She is watching him closely till the case starts. Satyam is a very selfish man who cares just for himself. But he has a dichotomy in his character. He always got soft in the case of his younger brother. Now what he is upto?!!!

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