Death Knocks On Door

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It is a shameful fact but truth. Nobody likes to die. No single living soul loves to die, but they have to.

DCP Angad is not at all an exceptikon. When he was free, he was never been afraid of death. He in his youth once faced an angry mob without any arms and received bravery award for it. But then he was just 27. Brave, young but fool. Today's Angad is far more different from then. He is now older and matured than his own previous self.

He is preparing for the next date of the case, when suddenly his moblie rings loudly.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Angad absent mindedly takes the receiver and says "Hello".

Someone from the other end whispers timidly - "Sir, kindly come sharp. A riot has began in the Junahgarh Fort Road."

"Who are you? What are you talking about?" He shouts on the phone.

"Sir, I am a resident of the same area." He whispers again. "Don't waste time on questions. Please come. Many men are dying." With this he cuts the call.

Angad yells on the phone by clutching it too tightly. "Hello. Hellooo."

But no answer. The other end has already hang up the call.

He desperately calls his Senior officer who confirms the news of riot and orders him to start at once. Before rushing to the spot Angad takes out his mobile from his pocket again and just leaves a message to Anuja -

"Rushing to stop a riot. Hope to come back soon."

Alas, he does not know that he will never come back.

He instructs Jatin and all other suordinates to march with him. All of them hurriedly rushes out of police station and starts to burge into their vehicles. Motor cycle cops were send at first and then two battalion of police force were already departed to reach the spot. Jatin with Joshi have just finished to thurst themselves inside a patrolling car, when with a great hurry Angad runs towards his car. He opens the door, burges into the driver's seat, starts the engine, puts pressure on the axilator and starts the car by converting the gear from the first to second one. The car finds its life and roars aloud with the "Boom. Boom" noise. And all of a sudden with a great noise the car blows up. It flies towards three to four feet upwards and then toppling down on the hard cement road with a loud "Schreech" sound. It tosses several times on the air before falling flat on the hard ground and within a second after landing it starts to burning down heavily.

For a second SI Joshi and Jatin both were looking at the scene with open mouthed in sheer disbelief

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For a second SI Joshi and Jatin both were looking at the scene with open mouthed in sheer disbelief. Among them, Jatin comes back to senses first. He opens his own car door, sprints towards the DCP's car with such a great speed that will certainly make any Olympian shameful. But he is too late. The car is already burning in full force. DCP Angad Pattwardhan is now beyond help. Anybody inside that wretched heavily buring car should not get any chance to come out of it. 

Jatin cries aloud "Noooo" while attempting to clutch the burning door with his hands in vain

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Jatin cries aloud "Noooo" while attempting to clutch the burning door with his hands in vain. His collegues are holding him too tight and don't let him go. He struggles hard with them but is of no use. He wants to save DCP saab at any cost. He already lost his mentor Inspector Dibakar, he does not want to loose DCP Angad too.

Tears starts to pour down his cheeks heavily and they blur his vision. He falls flat on his legs with knees shaking hard. His brain screams loudly inside. "This is a preplanned killing. It is a murder. Yes, surely it is a murder instead of an accident. I will avenge your murder, Sir. I will surely avenge your murder." He murmurs to himself by clutching his heart and looking straight in the sky with teary eyes.

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