Sivangi's dilemma

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Sivangi is in dilemma. She does not like to have this child, she simply wants to get rid of it. But now she starts to think other wise. The heart beat she feels inside makes her weak. She knows that the child is innocent, but the notorious Raijada blood in its vein makes her thoughtful. Like every women she also wants to have a home, a loving and caring husband and one or two child. But that dream will never be true in her case. Her life is turned upside down by a small incident. She got pregnant with a child out of wedlock.

 She got pregnant with a child out of wedlock

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She sighs. The consulting doctor is not at all in favour of aborting the child. It is more than 6 months now and so he suspects it very risky.

Gunjan is sitting beside her and looking at her face intently. She has a smile on her face. Dibakar's letter makes her convinced that all people of Bikaner accepts Suvangi's death rumour as true, including the Raijada family. Sashank also confirms the fact. He lands in Dublin tomorrow. So she seems assured.

Sivangi suddenly talks to her. "What makes you smile Vabi (sister-in-law)?"

Gunjan says nothing but smiles. She seems to know something about what Sivangi is unaware. Gunjan knows that the war is going to be more fierce from now onwards.


        ....Unknown Passenger.....

Sivam sits patiently on the windows sit of his flight of Air Asia. He has to go to Malaysia first. Then from there he will board another plane to Dublin. He comes to know that Gunjan is there to complete her Post Doctorate degree on Optaleometry. She surely knows Sivangi's address here. Sivangi must be staying with Gunjan in abroad.

There is a valid reason behind his stopping at Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malysia. He knows his middle brother Satyam too well. If he starts to suspect him, he will surely send some men behind him. And from Satyam's reaction it seems that he suspects something. However Shivam also has several friends at different cities in abroad who will help him to hide from the keen eyes of his brother. Shivam is determined. He has to find Sivangi as soon as possible. At least before Satyam's goons find her. He must find her. He must...


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